
seriously. I read that part about it being creepy and though, what the fuck? How is that creepy? Fine, you dislike some one but that's no reason to turn into an irrational mean girl. Erin Gloria Ryan just comes across as a bitter jealous fatty in this post.

you're right. Your ass will probably never look as good as this chick's but if you work at it, and eat healthy, your ass can look like the best possible version of your ass. I get that you don't like this chick and I tend to agree she's useless but that's no reason to post ridiculous crap like this where you're

if they were snuggled up or this was obviously a post-coital after sex selfie, i could understand the outrage but as it is , it's a 13 year-old with a 20 year-old in bed in a not overtly sexual pose and they're fully clothed, so... why the outrage? if people are concerned, ask what is going on but people shouldn't be

Some survivors just want to deal with their assaults quickly and as privately as possible, allowing them to continue their education without having to be around their assailants on campus.

The problem with campus rape is how college administrators respond to incidences of rape.

Wait, but isn't this what people were asking that school in DC to do about its rapey unofficial off-campus fraternity?

No. But it will make it harder for people to blame colleges for sexual assaults.

well, Emma stone's 'genes' decided to go this way over the last year or so when she dropped a lot of weight. As far as I can tell, she was always thin but not as skeletal as she is now. She looks like a malnourished bird.

yeah, i agree. if anything, i find goopy refreshingly honest about it. she's even said, she's not going to pretend to be someone who makes 25000 a year. and i find that less annoying than the jlaws pretending they're just like us commoners (and i like jlaw but her 'i'm so normal!' schtick is getting tired.

yes, you're right. bill clinton is up there with adolf hitler, pol pot and idi amin. now go away.

i'll be surprised if anyone is actually surprised by this.

nicole richie looks awful. gaunt and ill.

wow, selena gomez really has mastered the selfie trout pout and attention whore pose, hasn't she?

ok then. just making sure.

so much Drama.

oh yeah, of course. but if we're not allowed to speculate, then what's the point of commenting on the internet?

yeah, admittedly the democrats had to do damage control and it involved publicly destroying lewinsky's image, but my point still stands that the whole thing was started by linda tripp and ken starr manipulating naive monica into being their pawn.

i think there's way more to it than 'appearances'. i think they're partners, but sexually they probably have had an 'arrangement' for ages. when the lewinsky scandal happened, i have a feeling hillary was more upset that he fucked up and got caught, than about the affair itself.

please. she hasn't had to service him in eons, that's what his mistresses are for. hillary's got more important things to worry about than bill's schlong.

how is chubby a dude insult? i'm pretty sure it's a word i've heard women and men use. i didn't know there were insults that only a specific gender could use.