
i agree a lot of people blamed her. i don't blame her for what happened. i DO think she was extremely naive and let herself get dragged into something she was not prepared for by linda tripp and ken starr. they used her.

she wasn't and isn't ugly, not at all. actually of all of clinton's known mistresses, she was the most attractive. but she was overweight. not terribly so but definitely on the chubby side. just because it's the average size in middle america doesn't mean that's not overweight.

why the clintons in particular? welcome to the world of politics. it's a dirty, dirty place.

because not everyone cares what the president does with his dick. that's for hillary to worry about. monica tried to blackmail a president (manipulated by republicans gunning to get rid of clinton, but still). that's all she's ever done with her life and the only thing anyone knows about her.

how about because other than the rabid republicans, most people didn't give a shit who he was fucking on the side as long as he was still doing his job? lewinsky was a victim but not of the clintons - she was a victim of ken starr and linda tripp who took advantage of her for their own political gain. which ultimately

clinton was a great president and he's a great politician and an extremely intelligent and charismatic figure. he's probably a shitty husband but i'm not married to him so what do i care?

really? i stood up for her during that disgusting vogue photoshop debacle on jezebel and when she gets called out for alleged racism but she also really gets on my nerves with her schtick. i think she looks great from the neck up. great hair and make up. but from the neck down she looks vile. it's like she revels in

sorry i was blunt. but speaking from experience - i think we've all dated an asshole or two. it always takes you way longer to see what your friends usually figure out right away. when you're in love or think you're in love with someone, if people criticise him or dislike him, your natural response is going to be to

I didn't know twice = so many times.

honestly, probably start by hiring whoever does GLAAD's PR. get a few celebrity spokespeople, including some tweeners and horrible but popular pop stars. i mean, i personally can't stand beyoncé and god i hate jezebel's infatuation with her but i have to admit that's probably a good start. i've bitched about her being

sorry, i don't 'do' victimhood. maybe i should have added a 'bring it on' after 'flame away'? anyway, i love how you're focusing on that part of my comment and not everything else i said...

sure, it's the world patriarchy created but we have to live in it for now so rather than just blaming the patriarchy for anything and misconstruing any criticism of the movement as 'blaming the victim', we'd be better served by learning how to give the cause more mainstream appeal.

i didn't say feminism is completely to blame, of course not. but i do think we haven't done a good job at portraying the movement as something positive. and at the end of the day, it doesn't matter who's to blame, because the only ones who can improve the movement's image is the movement itself. that's not tone

maybe. but the result is the same and the point is, the people doing the misconstruing aren't going to accept responsibility and stop doing that, so it's up to the movement to improve their image and become a 'cool' cause, as dumb as that sounds. but that's how you gain mass appeal, that's how you stop getting dumb

really? because i think as feminists we haven't done a great job at 'selling' our movement? please tell me exactly what i said that is trollish or displays misandry?

look, i'm saying that as a feminist. i work in politics, and if this were an election, we'd lose. badly. we don't know how to 'sell' the movement.

no, of course not. but why are all hollywood celebs so keen to show their support for gay rights but famous women don't want to use the word 'feminist' to describe themselves? it's not just other people casting feminists as angry and irrational - i'm not saying that doesn't happen, but the movement hasn't exactly

people block them out, ignore them, or just roll their eyes because it doesn't align with misinformed stereotypes, and thus challenges people's simplistic understanding of gender relations.

i knew that would be the first reaction. and look, i'm a feminist. but i do have a lot of issues with Feminism with a capital F, i.e. the movement, as opposed to the principle. no, it's not always other people's fault. and even if other people are partly to blame, the last thing we should do is find yet another thing

Good fucking lord, why is everyone's first reaction to the feminist question always "No, I love men!"