
but don't you think part of that misconception stems from feminism itself? that maybe, as a movement, we haven't exactly been the greatest at getting our message across without making it seem like we hate men and women who don't want to be ball-busting CEOs?

yes it's bad but i've heard this type of argument before coming from very intelligent women and i think a lot of it is due to women not understanding that feminism means fighting for equal rights of women and men, not women on top.

i thought that was all day every day here on jezebel? at least any time someone makes a joke that's actually funny but not super politically correct. i'm actually surprised they're defending this lady.

meh. it was better than the rest of their material but still not even good comedy. i know it's a lot of women and i'm fully supportive of more lady comedians but i can't laugh out of solidarity. i like my comedy actually funny. they are nowhere near the levels of funny of 'the state', 'kids in the hall', amy schumer's

she's tragic.

different strokes, i guess. i've watched a few times and just thought it was lame and unfunny. and that time jezebel was making a big deal about how funny the women were and had those clips with that stupid 'dongs all over the world' song and i was just scratching my head, wondering what the hell was funny about it.

whatever his motives, the fact is they now make living wages and no tips accepted. as long as he's paying them decently, i don't think it's a bad situation.

i grew up in europe and i'm not american, i know. i said most of europe and was generalising for the sake of brevity.

seriously!! it's Pearl Clutchers Gone Wild!

Riki Restaurant, a Manhattan Japanese dining establishment, has done just that — instead opting to up their food prices to cover the cost of living wages for their servers. It's a trend that, while not exactly catching on, is becomingslightly more commonplace.

seriously. she was very obviously taking the piss and it's obvious she wasn't implying that slave women enjoyed being in that position - that's the whole point - but unfortunately comedy and a stupid audience don't mix. anyone who thought her joke was disrespectful to the plight of black slave women is a fucking

if you're in new york, sales tax is around 9% so doubling that would be an 18% tip, which isn't bad. i tip 20%, mostly because it's easier to calculate.

exactly. the fact that she was dating that asshole in the first place tells you she's not in a place where she can see what an asshole he is. i'm not a believer in blaming your friends for not 'rescuing' you from a shitty relationship. if you're dating an asshole and your friends checked out, it's not your friends'

i don't know. in my experience, when people are dating assholes, they don't see it, and what's more, they don't want to see it. the fact that people checked out should have been a clue that they probably weren't that crazy about him and honestly, if after that you were still with him, they probably assumed you were

Also, yes. Princess Diana. So safe.

i just googled wankdolphin and some really weird and disturbing youtube videos came up.

yeah exactly. we still call veggie burgers burgers even though there's no burger meat, so why wouldn't the name also apply to what is essentially a chicken burger. a disgusting, stupid, chicken burger but a burger nonetheless.

if you tuned out his behaviour, i think chances are you would have tuned out or flat out rejected your friends' advice or opinions of your boyfriend. unless your friends are all assholes, but it doesn't sound like that's the case. i just think that, unless someone is being clearly physically abused, you can't

lol sorry i misread and thought i was replying to a comment about someone not knowing the extent of woody allen and diane keaton's realtionship - in the sense that he's more than just someone who directed her in the 70s. i fucking hate kinja, the order of comments makes no sense.
