
please, they probably know it as one of the few books they wouldn't burn but i doubt your average tea partier can handle reading anything more complex than a transcript of a sarah palin speech.

i hated 'gone with the wind'. it's too long, which i don't mind at all when a book is well written but this was just boring. honestly, i think that if it's on this list it's because they love the love story, and probably don't think too deeply about the rest of what's in there, including the favourable view of

i'm willing to bet money that most of the people who said the bible was their number one favourite book, have never actually read the whole thing cover to cover...

they've also relaxed their fucking stupid no nudity rules and i think the dynamics will probably change as a result. but we'll see. i think of it as a guilty pleasure but mostly because i'm a big art nerd and i like to have online 'scrapbooks' of art, architecture, photography, etc. oh, and it's great for recipes too.

it takes a long time to wade through all the godawful wedding/cupcakes/crafty-shit-for-bitches-with-too-much-free-time/godawful nail 'art'/fitness inspiration bullshit but once you do and you've got a good set of boards to follow, it's a goldmine for architecture, art, interior design and photography. i'd stick to

actually, read my comments and you'll see that i'm not (making a mountain out of a molehill). i'm saying jezebel is obsessed with this place for some reason and apparently trying to make us think the 3 complaints of bad enforcement of the dress code into a company-wide anti-woman/racist campaign, when really (other

ok, let's not compare the 2 and just agree that this gym has a stupid dreess code but for 780 locations (at, say, a minimum of 1000 members each, that's a lot of people), there have only been 3 complaints. the headscarf case was clearly fucked up and that employee should be fired for even thinking that has anything to

most people seemed to acknowledge it was wrong to laugh but that they did anyway, no one is saying it isn't a big deal at all (except a couple of trolls) so call me crazy but I don't see why it's necessary to call people assholes, monsters, etc, as if they were the ones who had hacked into the cameras themselves?

Because most of the people who thought it was funny said things like 'I'm probably going to hell for this, but I laughed', they didn't attack those who didn't find it funny, tell them they're horrible people, that they shouldn't have kids, lamented the state of humanity, etc, etc (that I saw, correct me if I'm wrong).

why do you care if some people find this funny? so a bunch of people read the same story, some giggled, others were horrified. why do you have to go out of your way to tsk tsk/pearl clutch/scold people who didn't react the same way you did?

that's basically what I said in another comment: this place sounds like it's just fucking awful all around. The dress code isn't the only thing horrible here. and how can you apply that code uniformly when there are 780 locations, most with different owners/managers? There are bound to be stupid employees who are

I knew it.

my mom knows a woman who thinks the same thing. she told my mom that she loves her children but her husband comes first and she lives first and foremost for him and that it's how things should be and that if more women remembered that the world would be a better place. she also plucked her eyebrows out and draws them

who said the dress code isn't stupid? the whole entire chain of gyms sounds absolutely fucking awful. i just don't get why jezebel is so concerned with it.

so that's 3 cases so far? i just googled and they have 780 locations. and again, cheap gym, 10 bucks a month? they're probably cutting corners everywhere they can so i doubt they pay their employees well or train them very well either so i could see incompetent or stupid employees being a little too zealous with how

yeah but again, they're 10$ a month so i imagine they also don't pay their employees very much or offer much in way of training. they're a cheap, shitty gym with a stupid, shitty dress code that's not even uniformly applied. they serve pizza and bagels in the gym. what do you expect, great service, common sense and

I should have specified i was speaking only for myself (or rather, my vagina). Different strokes... Literally.

I'm sure shirtless dudes get asked to leave and cover up at planet fitness too so I don't really understand why Jezebel has such hate-on for planet fitness or why they feel this is in any way a feminist issue? Sure, they sound awful but they're also ten bucks a month and they clearly state they have a dress code so if

you also forgot to mention the gay rumors that have surrounded George since forever. So while it's true that Anniston gets the poor sad Jenny narratives George'e lack of commitment also means people assume he's gay.