
Dry sex isn't about lube. It's a practice in some parts of Africa where women apply some kind of paste (can't remember what it's made from) before sex that dries out their vaginas so that they don't even have their natural lubrication. It would make even sex with a normal sized dick painful but with a big one, it

I think it's way mor about girth than length. I'll take a short fat one over a long skinny pencil dick any day. If you're someone who can orgasm through intercourse, it's a lot easier with a thick one.

it can definitely be true. Unfortunately, no amount of 'trying hard' will make a small penis pleasurable during penetrative sex and if you're a lady who's into that, well... And i don't mean average, I mean small. I may be a size queen but I can make do with average if the owner of the penis knows what to do with it.

um, lots of people are into choking. Not that that's what happened here, I'm just asserting your question about consensual strangling. It's definitely a thing.

Yup. People are always blaming internalized misogyny for the lack of a 'sisterhood' but I'm calling shenanigans, the reason there's no sisterhood is little girls.

reality tv doesn't pay as much, and she'd have to work for it. I'd rather take the money and run than waste my time and energy on public revenge and anyway, the best revenge is living well, especially if it's at the expense of your scumbag ex.

for 7.5 million and 240,000 a year, I'd let my ex fuck all the hookers he wants and shut up about it too.

I like the pretty pictures. Nothing wrong with being an aesthete and wanting even the everyday objects around you to be arranged in visually pleasing ways. This also isn't anything new, I guess it just took a while for it to be given an annoying name and for the media to turn it into a 'thing'.

also, keep in mind that we're debating something based on a letter that doesn't even specify what exactly this guy did. From what I can gather, it wasn't bad enough that she reported his behavior, she just says they're no longer friends but she still sees him professionally. Which is why I assumed that it might just


The only truly awful thing about this is her eyebrow-shaping.

and some saints too.

in some ways, the fact that they were stupid enough to do this in the police headquarters building might be a blessing in disguise because it means the case got a lot more attention and the authorities will have to follow through and take it seriously.

congrats on being such a self-righteous bore! i'm sure you have a strict vetting process and strict criteria on the number of hours they must volunteer at the homeless shelter each week or pints of blood they have to donate every year in order to maintain their status as your friend, and good for you.

1. not a dude.

we don't even know what he did and the fact that they all know his wife and the letter writer is still friends with her tells me it probably wasn't something so awful that he deserves to be ostracised by everyone in his life. their friends said his behaviour was 'out of line'. so he probably acted like a dick but

Letter 1: yes, her friends are assholes but her boyfriend sounds like a whiny political spammer. she should get rid of her stupid friends and her whiny boyfriend. i had to hide a few people from my fb feed because all they posted was about horrible things happening and how we should all do something about it and feel

they do very little to deter students from riding in strangers cars headed for parties from directly on AU property.

sorry but what?! maybe it's a cultural thing so not being american, i don't understand the concept of college as boarding school where children must be coddled, nor do i share your culture of litigation or enthusiasm for blaming everyone but those involved when bad things happen. how in the world can you be blaming a

People like me? Do you have reading comprehension issues? Or did you just not read the part where I said, and I quote, "I believe the allegations"? I'm not the one that needs convincing or more proof, but the fashion industry does.