
agreed. Unfortunately "where there's smoke, there's fire" isn't the same as proof. Especially when you're talking about a complacent industry that's happy to do nothing until it doesn't have a choice or is presented with more than allegations.

maybe it's a cultural thing but like i said before, a code of conduct is no replacement for the law. a university is a school, not a parent, not a courtroom. if i got raped by someone i went to university with, it would never cross my mind to go anywhere other than the police. only after would it occur to me to tell

look, i totally agree the fashion industry is complacent. that's precisely my point. it's precisely because it's complacent - and that's not going to change overnight - that there has to be more than allegations and models telling their stories years later.

as much as i hate to agree with rhayn, he/she has a point. so far, as you yourself write, "the public has heard allegations". allegations do not prove anything and if there is no evidence, why should feel obligated to disavow him? i'm not saying this to defend terry richardson - i personally believe the allegations -

sorry but she went along with it, willingly. wasn't coerced in any way that we know of. if we're gonna get all frowny, we should get frowny at BOTH OF THESE IDIOTS.

Also, police often neglect rape cases just as much as universities.

Also, police often neglect rape cases just as much as universities.

Your "rather than" scenario is a straw man. I said "both."

i think you didn't understand me. I think it should be first and foremost a police/criminal matter and if the university chooses to punish the students it should be something that is in addition to the legal proceedings, not in lieu of.

beyonce's reply: weaves, extreme contouring, plastic surgery, liposuction and a whole lot of fakeness.

it's so fucking weird to me that american universities are essentially boarding schools where the administration is supposed to be involved in all aspects of the child's - ahem, I mean, adult student's - life. These are adults we're taking about, i don't understand why the university should bear the primary

yup. Our western (and incorrect) concept of karma is nothing but an elaborate revenge fantasy, it's not the truth.

not just online but in person. I was a victim of bullying by one girl growing up. It was never physical. It was all about manipulation and intimidation and getting all our other friends to turn on me. I'd show up to school one day and she had talked everyone into ignoring me. I must have been 9 or 10. It was

absolutely ridiculous and arcane.

"or worse, he/she doesn't care about the napkin color."

And I think you have reading comprehension issues because I said "censorship or people crying to have things taken offline."

so what you're saying is that feminists who don't fall in line with the prevailing ideology at jezebel aren't welcome?

or i could do whatever i want. besides, i have no interest in gaming or sports (unless it's tennis).

you should consider shortening your name to just Prude.

I'm confused. Am I suppose to be angry and outraged at the groundbreaking news that men like young, attractive women?