
Oh look, another knee-jerky pearl clutching moral policing idiot on this website accusing people of wishing death on trans people and hating women because they don't think comedians should censor themselves and because they don't agree with content policing on the grounds that someone might get offended.

not scary. Just infuriatingly kool-aidy and full of hyper-earnest, humourless pearl clutchers whose default response to disagreement is to lash out and spew accusations of being a MRA/white and privileged/racist/rape apologist, etc.

I'm not demanding that anyone retract their comments or delete articles, am I? That's my point. You can voice disagreement without seeking to police content.

yeah, i refrained from commenting on that because I suspected hoax but didn't want the angry mobs calling me a rape apologist for saying I didn't believe it...

I thought you left handjobs behind once you learned to actually have sex. It had probably been 10 years since I'd given a hand job (I mean a proper one, not a foreplay one before moving on to sucking it) and then a couple of years ago my then bf asked for one. So i guess some adult men still like them but any other

I said there was some truth to the cliché, not to that there aren't groomzilla exceptions LOL

well to be fair it's a cliché that has some truth to it because I've never met a man who really cared about the minutiae of the wedding. It's women who dream of the big wedding and the big dress and do all the planning for it. I can think of many women I know who started 'planning' their wedding before even meeting


Oh, sweetie... If only you had the self-awareness to realise how self-righteous and patronizing your comment is. And you have the balls to call someone out for being self-involved...

At no point did Joan mock the kidnapping, rape, or torture. She was comparing her lavish living conditions to the squalid condition of Ariel Castro's house to make herself look like a spoiled, out-of-touch celebrity. That was the joke.

get a grip, sweetie. not agreeing to the removal of a parody video by a drag performer on a LGBT website does not mean I don't care about the abuse of trans people.

no one jokes more about her face than she does.

also, in case you can't read, i said 'censorship or people crying to have things taken offline'.

but that would require thinking, instead of just jumping on the knee-jerk, pearl-clutchy 'i'm offended! bandwagon.

why would she? you mean you actually believe those fauxpologies? it's an empty gesture to appease the angry mobs. at least she's not a hypocrite.

i have raised this point repeatedly and my impression is that people think it's normal for colleges to handle rape cases? I put it down to cultural differences (I'm not american and didn't go to school here) but I'm still confused as to why this isn't strictly a police matter. If he's found guilty of rape by a court,

Sorry, but silencing the rush Limbaughs won't make bigotry go away. A drag artist making a parody video about killing a trans writer won't make homophobes think it's ok to kill trans people. Monty Python skits didn't make people think it's ok to blow up bushes, nor did it convince everyone that rabbits are in fact

never mind that you could fit 3 Audreys in one of kim k's ass cheeks.

did you even read what I said? People are free to criticise all they want but why do they seek to have things removed, rather than voicing their opposition to something without demanding to police that content? It's the difference between, say, writing about how rush Limbaugh is a giant asshole and you hate what he

Because their complaints led to HuffPo removing the video, which is my point. Why can't people voice their disgust with something, without asking for it to be removed?