
I'm not asking anyone to remove anything. Why are people asking HuffPo to take the video down when they can just not watch it or write about how awful is, without demanding its removal?

My point is: don't like something, don't watch it. Why must you try to get it taken off the air? Let people make their own choices without seeking to police content. Rush limbaugh's an asshole but hey, if other assholes enjoy watching his show, what do i care? No one is forcing me to watch it if I don't want to. Same

fine, then don't call it censorship. Let's call it unnecessary whining by people who can't stand it that there are people out there that want to do shit they don't like and want to pressure private entities into relenting to their whining and imposing their views on the rest of the world. whether it's mothers'

I can't stand rush Limbaugh and I can't watch him without going into a rage. But I would never call for him to be taken off the air because everything he says is offensive and hurtful to anyone who isn't an old white conservative dude. I just don't watch. Simple.

if you think either of the examples you cited (video mocking trayvon or straight cis gender people getting trampled by rhinos) will suddenly make me go, wait, they're right! You're wrong. Like I said, I don't care how odious something is, if its existence is the price to pay for freedom of expression, it's still

oh look, more sanctimonious, ignorant, vegan, attachment parenting, Naural Mother, anti-vaccine bullshit. I hate these assholes.

as my late dad used to say, "there's a reason they have to pay you to do it".

Of course. And I see your point. Mostly, I was just venting because I really can't understand people who expect every website they read to only have content that they agree with or find acceptable. I don't understand people who feel the need to complain because a website posts something they don't like. How hard is it

I'm with South Park. Everything goes, no drawing arbitrary lines. And yeah, I will defend the right of people I absolutely hate to say whatever the hell they want. It's called freedoms of expression. It might be different if you're actually inciting people to go out and kill someone but that's not the case here. This

I don't care how 'offensive' something is, I'll still take it over censorship or people crying to have things taken offline. I'm kind of sick of people getting so damn offended and acting like the entire world needs to respect their feelings. Reminds me of a french scandal from years ago - a comedian was taken off the

my bad. Major reading comprehension fail on my part. I though you said someone should have pulled her aside and said "Hey, pop punk died about 10 years ago, sound more like Ke$ha please".

I would be more concerned about the fact that "pot de vin" means bribe in french.

I was with you until you ruined it with "sound more like Kesha"...

I can't believe this is happening in 2014. This is surreal.

she's insane. and now she's made up a miscarriage, probably because it's the only excuse she hadn't tried yet to explain her shitty behaviour.

and this is being reported on jezebel because?

I actually agree with you but then what? if there weren't any black RHs, people would say it was racist or that the franchise lacks diversity...

ok, so what are you saying? that bravo should have different story lines for the black RHs because people will make assumptions about all black women from watching this stupid show? that's pretty much the same as saying that there shouldn't be any black RHs because the whole premise of the show is to get these extreme

It just doesn't make any sense to me to find this one scene and declare it "too far," as you said. I am consistently disappointed in people's refusal or inability to engage with complexity or "gray zones."

this. And they're as representative of black women as the white Housewives are representative of white women. All the real housewives shows are staged and ridiculous and even without the staging, the women they pick for these shows are pathetic, Botox addicted attention whores. Let's stop making them out to be more