
it kind of boggles the mind that you even have to explain that distinction to people.

just so i am clear, do you actually think you're clever comparing the two? it's actualy kind of pathetic, and i truly hope you're being deliberately obtuse and that you're not actually so simple minded that you believe what you're saying.

I have read with amazement a stunning number of caviler responses to Franco's predatory behavior, and it has me shaking my head. If we substitute Terry Richardson for Franco in this little scenario I wonder if Jez posters would still think this his behavior was ok.

shhhhh... it's a secret.

and famous.

yes, but his intent to want to fuck her in a hotel room ended the minute he found out she was 17 so what is your point? the things police use to convict predators are for instance cases where a guy says he wants to meet a girl in a hotel after he's found out she's underage.

so? does that make him a horrible human being for trying to have sex in real life? he didn't know her age. when he found out, he backed off.

there's a large power disparity between any famous actor and a regular 'civilian' woman, regardless of her age. does that mean actors and other famous people can only date other equally famous people?

seriously. he tried to get laid. so what? he wasn't mean or abusive or insulting in his messages and when he found out the girl's age he backed the fuck off. why the hell are people getting all worked up about power dynamics or his sense of entitlement - people send each other selfies all the time to try to get laid

LOL exaggerate much? I'm neither and MRA nor am I claiming these guys are altar boys, but I do think you're mixing up two different things. Sure, they may well be predators, or at least some of them, but they could also just be out for an easy lay. And an easy lay doesn't have to be predatory. Just because a girl is

I didn't read the original article, I don't know if that's the one you're referring to but the jezebel article doesn't mention it, and college girls are still legally adults so again, where are you seeing rape?

where in the article does it mention rape?

As long as retrograde assholes roam this earth, there shall exist a fantasy of an exotic locale in which otherwise average-to-undesirable men can use their social and economic capital to dazzle otherwise uninterested women into bed. It goes without saying, but holding onto a delusion that one's accumulated wealth

You showed them!

Because enough vegetarians and vegans are smug/militant/obnoxious that they've given you all a bad reputation.

"Meat culture" is the most idiotic thing I've heard today. And I agree, vegos aren't some victimised minority, they're the culinary equivalent of scientologists and other cult members.

"Meat culture"? Give me a fucking break, that is some of the most ridiculous, militant vegetarian bullshit I've ever heard. It's not meat culture, it's called society where normal people are omnivores, which explains why we evolved to have both molars and pointy teeth for ripping apart delicious animal flesh. Get over

I love bill.

Seriously, what the fuck is going on in this school district that there are multiple cases of kids needing emergency care and not being able to get it from anyone at home or at school, and having to rely on a poor teacher who is now going to lose her job? Wtf? Maybe the school should think about that instead of

that is fucked up. especially if the girl does want to press charges. the sooner she talks to the police and goes to a hospital, the better her chances. this is what i meant. i get that police can a horrible experience for a rape victim but i think the default should be to involve police and then maybe decide the