
um, you've obviously never had a good cocktail. or a negroni. i love wine too but i either buy it to drink at home, or order it at dinner if there are several of us, so you just order a bottle. but going out for drinks, seems stupid to pay 12, 14, 18, even 20 dollars for a glass of wine when you can get a great

no, i meant all those civil servants and diplomats drink a lot and push the numbers up.

it's all those cocktails that cost as much (or less) than a glass of wine. why would you order that glass of red when you can have a negroni for the same price?

Having grown up there, I can't say I'm shocked. I mean, we have to spend our days constantly confronted with a) all the assholes the rest of you people elect and then ship to us by express mail, b) either the most homicidally insane traffic jams in the continental US or the most ludicrously badly-run subway system in

thanks for that explanation, it all makes a lot more sense now.

I'm not "decrying the victim", I am genuinely curious as to why colleges are handling campus rapes - so essentially criminal offenses - rather than the police/courts? I didn't know that these are actual police forces.
It just seems weird that a college would be handling rape cases and essentially determining guilt and

Same here. I don't like high pitched voices or high pitched noises. I have super sensitive hearing and it's especially sensitive to high pitched sounds.

I thought that was only for security but that if an actual crime was committed on campus, 'real' police had to investigate as well? It can't be that college rapists can only be punished by their university?

I don't know if I'm missing any information here because I didn't go to university in the US so I'm not sure how that works but I don't understand why the university has to be her only recourse? Did she go to the hospital after the rape? Did they do a rape kit? Did she report it to the police? Is there some legal

my god, you guys are boring.

i don't have a problem with plastic surgery if you're doing it for the right reason. I don't think wanting to look like a famous celebrity is a very healthy reason to undergo medical procedures.

i read 'les liaisons' in high school too. in the original french. but yeah, that's what i mean. i was in a public school in europe but it was a weird independent/charter kind of arrangement and had a pretty exceptional curriculum, heavy on the arts, both very liberal and progressive and academically stringent, it was

should've spent the 25k on therapy instead.

um, because benincasa has a personal bias and wanted to illicit that kind of angry, knee-jerk reactions? because why have a nuanced conversation when you can have click-baity, manipulative bullshit disguised as an advice column? because some women - and benincasa is apparently one of them, and given her lack of

i think it's fair to say that rich, private school kids are on the whole worldlier than their public/state school counterparts. just because they're exposed to a lot more - for good and bad - at an earlier age. my siblings went to school with kids who had tons of money, were pretty sophisticated for kids their age,

And its not HER fault I find her boring, its MINE - I agree, I'm a jerk, Ladies like us request this advice because we'd like to better relate to women in these situations where we're not comfortable with Average Woman topics or conversations.

i agree. most of my friends are women and we have plenty of interests in common. but at the same time, i can understand where the OP is coming from because especially when i was younger, i remember asking myself 'where are all the women like me?' and the only other girl like me was my best friend and it was guys that

but what if you genuinely don't want to talk about relationships and diets and children at a party? would it make you feel better if i said that those things are boring to me? no one is saying they are unimportant, of course they're important. but when i'm at a dinner party and one side of the room is talking about,

this is true. if i'm out with people having fun, i want to take a break from those things. the last thing i want to do is talk about my relationship or work or listen to other people talk about their kids and their husbands, etc. of course not all women are like this but if we were to generalise and stereotype, it's

They're old and boring. I'm only semi-old and boring: I was hoping for a weed vs. Champagne final. (With weed as the winner, of course.)