
Bit of a sense of humor deficit there, no?

That is the best description ever of what foie gras tastes like. I'm not ashamed at all. Anthony Bourdain is convinced the geese don't suffer because they don't have a gag reflex and naturally gorge themselves before winter anyway and if my future husband says so, it's good enough for me. ;)

Vegan hell is where I belong because I could eat foie gras all day. Yes, it's a politically incorrect food but my god, it tastes like heaven. I grew up in Europe, Christmas wasn't Christmas without foie gras, and life in general would be a little bit sadder without it.

seriously. you people suck. how can they choose weed over coffee? don't get me wrong, i love my coffee, but it's what i take to be alert and effective, and that shit ain't fun.

I think that one of the problems is the illusion that in order to succeed, you have to behave in certain ways. And the solution is realizing that you don't, necessarily, and that you can create a work-life balance that actually creates the outcomes that you want, without sacrificing yourself.

really? i could say the same about your example:

because i don't make choices according to what is 'bad' or 'good' for women. rather, i choose to watch movies that look like they're going to be good. and yeah, good movies can be sexist or contain other 'questionable' themes but i don't see why i would let that stop me from watching a movie.

yeah, she's a pretty fine sasquatch specimen.

zac, all that money and fame and you can't find a dealer that delivers? tsk tsk

i actually agree on that last point. i think all religions are equally harmful to women, islam is no exception, and i refuse to play the liberal game of pretending to ignore all that's wrong with it because i'm afraid people will call me islamophobic or intolerant. or go along with that bullshit that women are really

look, it's great that it's important to you. but keep it to yourself. talking about religion is like talking about your sex life - you should only do it with those very near and dear to you. not on a tv dance show.

why can't we do both?

seriously. her new brows are so much better than the sharpie monstrosities she had going before.

sure, and if they're proselytizing, the problem isn't their liberalism, it's their religious proselytism. same goes for conservatives.

sorry, but i doubt the 'invisible hand' of the free market is supposed to be taken literally to mean a god, as such, political beliefs are different than religion because, as nonsensical as they can be, they're not based on the supernatural. well, that's not quite true of religious conservatives but we don't take them

seriously! why pick a dance that you think is too raunchy for your beliefs and therefore needs to be 'toned down', when you could pick a dance that doesn't have those evil slutty connotations your god frowns upon? wait, i know! cause you're an attention whore.

liberalism isn't based on a fictional sky fairy, it's based on real life. i don't care if people talk about politics, even if they're right-wing nutjobs. but religious/spiritual beliefs should be kept to yourself.

maybe because the religious one is the most annoying? like the saying goes: "Religion - Treat it like it's your genitalia. Don't show it off in public and don't shove it down your children's throats."

then don't go on a secular dance show. DWTS isn't exactly dirty dancing, or raunchy at all. i'm sure there's some fundie evangelical version of dancing with the has-beens on TBN or some other christian channel. she should be a contestant on that instead.

The rest of what you wrote I do agree with though - women are held to a higher moral standard than men, no doubt about it.