
sorry, but i don't think anyone judges women as harshly as other women do. and who reads gossip magazines most? women. so while it may be a room full of men at tmz, the readership is mostly female. and who is usually first to blame the Other Woman rather than the cheating husband for 'homewrecking'? women.

well said. and it's not just tabloids. a lot of feminists are just as bad and will go all Mean Girls and tear into any famous woman that they consider isn't acting like a Perfect Feminist. love her, buld her up, and then tear her down with accusations of racism, 'privilege', etc.

i think it's pretty clear that her website is not geared toward 'most moms'. and she's never claimed it is. people get pissy because they assume it is (because apparently some people think that everything and everyone has to be relatable, otherwise you must get pissed off) and then realise they can't afford a single

... or assume that she's speaking to YOU and telling YOU that YOU must adopt the Goop Lifestyle?

I fucking love Kunty Karl. He's a total bitch but he speaks the truth.

how is "don't make assumptions because i'm a man", any different than "sometimes i really like cooking and cleaning for you, especially after a long day. feminism doesn't mean not doing nice things for your partner" (i.e. "don't make assumptions because i'm a woman"). i don't really see the point of these but i guess

But men saying "no really, there is no implicit gender bias in my actions at all!" kind of rubs me the wrong way.

what's wrong with vice?

Because writers on jez haven't met their daily offence quota and they had to be pissed at someone for saying something that they could construe as possibly being offensive to someone.

I don't know about Hyde but I have a feeling demi Moore is going to go into another tailspin of cougar self destruction, probably involving whippets, bathroom mirror bikini selfies and barely legal dick.

I can understand Charles wanting to move on, that's natural. I do however think that this might be the point we all look back on as the moment the show jumped the shark. It will take some very, very good writing for the show to survive this, since pretty much the entire show hinged on the chemistry and back and forth

Wtf, anna wintour? Wtf?
You know Kanye secretly wishes Riccardo Tisci was there instead of Kim.

I would love the dress if it weren't for the too tight belt.
I love scarjo but I really, really hate her tattoos. I hate all ankle tattoos, I think they're ridiculous, almost as bad as tramp stamps. Also hate the seemingly random forearm tattoo and the stupid bracelet one. I'm not against tattoos in general but just

i guess it's offensive but it's also reality. clooney appears to intentionally dates women who are hot but whose careers and levels of fame are nowhere near equaling much less eclipsing his. i don't see it so much as offensive as an illustration of the size of his ego. you could say it's a PR move but i've seen it in

it's not snobbery, it's remarking on the fact that this chick stands out from his other ex-girlfriends. you can't deny that. the article is only pointing out that for once, clooney is dating a woman who's achieved professional recognition for something other than her looks. yes, she's also ridiculously hot but that

true. but if i had to bet money on who's the smarter one between alamuddin and keibler, i'm not gonna lie, my money's with the barrister.

not necessarily but what are the chances stacy keibler is really an intellectual capable of stimulating conversation?

how so?

yup. bad boob job and pants so low they only draw attention to the fact that her boobs are wider than her hips. she's a freaky looking little midget. no me gusta.

i know that. i meant, for the 3 days it would have taken for the bureaucratic nonsense to be resolved, she couldn't have found other arrangements? locked herself in an empty meeting room or office room, in her own office, etc.? i'm sure the 3 days thing is written down somewhere and she should have done her homework