
i love the crazy fashions in vogue, i love the beautiful photography and the hundreds of thousands of dollars of clothes that i will never be able to afford. i don't buy vogue so that i know what to shop for next season, i buy it for the gorgeous pictures, an idea of what trends are coming, etc. there are dozens of

well, it certainly worked for goopy, didn't it? but who says these websites are for so-called 'normal' people? paltrow has been open about that and pretty much said that she's neither claiming to be one of these 'normal people' nor is her website aimed at them. she said something like "i'm not going to pretend that i

She clearly does not want to be forced into expressing an opinion publicly.

um, that's not aging, that's self-destruction.

lol wut?

Fuck cultural sensitivities. The only reason foot binding was so quickly and effectively banned in china is that Mao not only banned it, it was swiftly and vigorously enforced without any regard to cultural sensitivities. Harmful cultural practices have to be eradicated and the only way to do it is to remove tha taboo

I just can't with the amount of delusional bullshit jezebel publishes aimed at telling people that there's tho nothing wrong with being morbidly obese, that it's beyond people's control and that anyone who disagrees is a fat shaming bully.

Oh I see the difference but you can't credibly say that doxxing is ok as it's done to men but not women. But I would say you're equally sexist if you don't see how a man could be harmed or threatened by havig his information posted on the internet in retaliation for something he did online. Something that's even more

Yeah but if some crazy had used the information she posted to do something awful to the kid, send be responsible. And a bad as anonymous rape threats on the internet are, they're still not as bad as posting someone's private information on the internet and in essence inciting others to take matters into their own

but that depends on where you live.

my vote's on weed but with this crowd, wine will probably win.

thanks. it really is a tough issue.

no one here would, that's true. i resent the implication/tone of the ad. i mean, it's a hard enough decision to take and i'm gonna assume most women do their research. do we really need an adorable down kid basically saying 'please don't abort me! look at how cute i am!'. it's a little... manipulative, no?

no idea. haven't heard of any.

yes, it's a beautiful ad but i will never criticise women who choose to abort foetuses with down syndrome and i can't help but take issue with the underlying message of it. my cousin's 2nd kid was born with down syndrome, and he is the sweetest, most likable kid ever. but they're also really rich and will always be

lol not really. i just remember i used to find her highly annoying and never understood the level of worship people bestowed on her.

i was just messing with you!

you know, the most offensive part of this entire terry richardson story is that he thinks he's anywhere in the same league as helmut newton or robert mapplethorpe.

i'm assuming that's in response to my first point? ;)