
oh look, it's jlo wearing all white and sunglasses, with a bunch of half naked oily dudes, and it's set in miami. she's never done that before. ever. and the song doesn't sound like anything she's ever done before either.

it's like people are finally catching on to what an annoying, fame-hungry, manipulative attention-whore she was. Queen Camilla Forever!!

yeah, it's more laid-back and less hive-minded. less preaching in the comments. and actual sense of humour. on the other hand, they don't write about women's issues as much.

see, i'm the opposite. i enjoy the almost brutal brevity of the lone 'cunt'.

yo, but gawker's the enemy and their commenters are 'trolls' for not towing the jez party line.

so? do your friends ask your permission before fucking someone or starting a relationship with them? beyoncé posed for terry, jared leto and lupita nyong'o did too. as did the president. i don't see anyone going after them with the same virulence as they did lena dunham and miley cyrus. if you're going to give one

i don't really do boycotts but i was merely pointing out the hypocrisy, since jezebel has decided beyoncé is a feminist icon and can do no wrong. agree with your last paragraph but that point doesn't go down to well here, where both jezzie writers and commenters can't stop sucking beyoncé's dick long enough to realise

i don't know. i know plenty of rich white men who came out of retirement to campaign for obama, both times. little simplistic, wouldn't you say? maybe 'rich white republican men' would be more accurate, or just 'republican white men', since plenty of them aren't rich but still conservative assholes. also, plenty of

agree. i think both 'cunt' and 'dick' are fantastic insults. and both can be used to refer to both men and women.

Wait, but I thought Beyoncé was a feminist icon?

my hero.

just thought i'd leave these here...

probably because LW2 knows that marina and other people will assume that the reason they don't want marina there is because of her transition, when in fact it's about marina's history with LW2 and the other girl, and how to best address that?

yes but it's a risk you have to be willing to take. and yes, i realise this is only anecdotal evidence of people i know but all the women i know who were offered jobs, be it in the academic sector or in the design sector or in government, who asked for more, usually got it. or at least their prospective employers came

because it's different to still be friend with someone that you dated or that made lewd passes at you, in a more casual social setting where everyone is clothed. it's another if you're doing a more 'intimate' thing where everyone is naked, like going to a bathhouse. you have to be very comfortable with someone for

really? even though marina had a relationship with one of the women there and it might make that friend uncomfortable to be naked in a bathhouse with an ex? and even if marina made lewd advances at LW2 in the past, making it equally uncomfortable for her to be naked in a bathhouse with marina? i don't think this has

seriously, you expect someone to stop dating their GF because she hasn't ended her friendship with her best friend who married a racist douche? i can understand going so far as to question why your GF is still friends with a woman who married a racist douche but even then, it wouldn't be up to you to say, you have to

this. if they didn't intend to invite the boyfirned, they should also have done the polite thing and declined her offer to make the cake for free. and if they didn't, they're tacky, greedy users and i hope their marriage is short-lived and miserable.

which is fine. but you still have to realise that even if you don't like the boyfriend, the fact that the girlfriend is not only invited, she's making you your motherfucking cake for free, you suck it up and put whatever issues you have with the bf aside and invite him. that's just good manners, which clearly this

And she and her guy still expect my boyfriend and his buddies to throw the bachelor party!