
doesn't matter if he's not george zimmerman, it's still incitement, it's still dangerous and it's still an awful thing to do, regardless of what they did to you first. you can't justify vigilantism in some cases and not in others. and like i said, beating up the kid who bullies your kid is understandable, but that

I just dont understand what having an oversized ass has anything to do with fitness or going to the gym, or inspiring women.

i'm of two minds here. on the one hand, she's a total attention whore and basically useless. on the other, if my ass looked like that, i'd probably walk around naked year-round.

i don't believe in banning words but i'm in favour of anything that helps women be more assertive and that makes women being assertive a positive thing. the problem isn't the word and if you ban it, people will come up with another word to replace it. the problem is the reasons behind why people use a word in a

no, a black dude wouldn't be on death row for this either because as awful as the crime is, no one died.

then don't read the news, or jezebel. they report news stories.

so glad i grew up with parents who constantly told me that hero worship and looking at celebs as role models was BAD. admire their work, but separate that from the person/persona.

i thought jezebel explained they don't do trigger warnings, ever?

stop making pop stars into role models, for fuck's sake. and i don't have a problem with beyoncé being sexual. i have a problem with beyoncé being touted as some kind of fierce trailblazer when she's nothing more than a manufactured pop act, who has always depended on men - first her father, and now her mogul husband

why haven't any Democrats taken penis pumps and stuck them on their faces every time a right-wing blowhard asshole starts bitching about obamacare being used to fund whore pills in congress? someone start a fundraiser to send every democrat in the house a penis pump. plus, it would make c-span way more fun to watch.

no it's not. it's taking the side of common fucking sense. it's like saying that because my neighbour keeps letting their dog shit on my yard and no one will do anything about it, i'm totally justified in fire-bombing my neighbour's house. if you think that means i'm condoning people letting their dogs shit on other

It's more important to you that doxxing and vigilantism don't happen ever than people get to exist online without harassment.

Sorry but no matter how odious the kid's behaviour or how strongly I oppose rape threats, I feel even more strongly that vigilantism and taking matters into your own hands and escalating a situation are NEVER the way to go. I don't care if you're a woman who received a rape threat, George Zimmerman's parents or a

Two wrongs don't make a right, and the fact that this guy is a minor makes hers the biggest transgression, even if he threatened her first. Take it to the authorities if you truly fear for your safety, rather than responding by doing something worse and/or escalating the situation.

Tumblr absolutely should definitely have banned the creep for sending her a rape threat. But she's also an asshole for posting someone's public information - that's NEVER ok. I mean, I even thought it was wrong when Roseanne Barr retweeted George Zinmerman's parents' address, even if Zimmerman is the scum of the

She could be a spoiled brat but there could also be a lot of emotional abuse going on that's hard to prove, unlike physical abuse. Emotional abuse happens to Rich People too, you know?
Something about the parents strikes me as really controlling and creepy. They may have money but I get the feeling that's not a

Exactly! I think this point is lost on a lot of people though.

cats just do everything on their terms. they love you on their terms. show affection on their terms. play on their terms. it's part of why i love them so much.

yes, obesity is great for your health and doctors and health specialists everywhere are just trolling society and have been for decades by saying that obesity is a health problem. who knew science was wrong and anecdotal evidence from a website where a lot of the writers and commentators who can't tell the difference

oh, spare me the lecture. yes, it's truly sad that she died. but was it the result of poor judgement on her part? yes. doesn't make it sadder. but it absolutely has to be acknowledged so that other people won't go down the same road.