
I mean there are folks who are fat and don't have the correlated pathologies, just as there are lean people who do.


how about we stop using words like "worhip", "idol" and "role model"? it's fine to like a celebrity, or rather, their persona, since we don't know these people and all we can really talk about is the carefully calculated image they're projecting to the public. but can we stop a) building them up to be "role models"?

to be fair, i don't like sexting the word 'penis' either. there's something clinical and anatomical about both 'penis' and 'vagina'. i like pussy, cock, dick better in the context of sexy talk with a partner.

That shit's not real. His mouth looks like a Real Housewife's.

I'm not going to tell you to have sex or to keep on not having it but one line of your post really stood out to me:

Exactly! I watched the star trek movies and just couldn't get into them and part of it was Chris pine. He's NOT HOT. And he's a terrible actor but mostly, I couldn't concentrate on the movie because I couldn't stop staring at his horrible injected lips. I don't know if it's collagen or silicone or what but they are

Maybe 15 years ago. Nowadays it's mostly tourists and people from Jersey and really douchey nightclubs.

Lol it even if you're thinking of the real MP, I'd say the original statement still applies...

Honestly, it doesn't surprise me...

wtf? "the silicone went into her veins, asphyxiating her and causing her to lose consciousness very quickly." i just can't.

yup. build them up and then find something to nitpick about to tear them down. it's not enough that women like kaling and lena dunham and tina fey are breaking down barriers and have been given their own shows, let's put the entire weight of feminism's expectations on their shoulders. i think part of the problem comes

no, i'm not saying it's ok to be racist/homophobe/sexist but i also firmly believe that people can say whatever the hell they like, and people are free to choose whether or not they listen to what those people have to say, without it signifying that they agree with everything that person said. and yeah, people's

how about we stop thinking there's a 'right' way to do anything? these women are all running their own shows, the only 'right' way is the way they want to run their shows. shonda does it one way, that's great. lena does it another, that's great too. let mindy kaling run her show however she wants without comparing her

oh for fuck's sake. you need to march down to the town square and rally the proletariat so they can be ready for their communist uprising. do you realise how ridiculous that is?

and that's terrible why?

can't wait for people to remember that and suddenly she won't be the heroine that a lot of people have built her up to be.

and this is why i get so frustrated with feminism sometimes. women like lena dunham and mindy kaling DO get attacked more for breaking barriers than shows that follow the status quo and are run by me. they are held to a higher standard. and that's bullshit. instead of celebrating, you're only looking for more reasons

lol what does anything have to do with being 'super edgy and special'? like i said, i'm not apologising or making excuses for anyone and more importantly, people are old enough to make up their own minds. i don't need the condescending PC thought police to tell everyone what comedians it's ok to laugh at, what movies

like i said, it's possible to enjoy people with all kinds of opinions. i have super right-wing conservative friends who go to church every sunday and hold pretty awful (to me, anyway) beliefs when it comes to the role of family and women. doesn't mean that by being their friend i'm espousing or in any way endorsing