
1) she makes fun of everyone.

can't wait for people to complain that none of them are fat and that skinny white girls are still the majority.

you know, i'm gonna let you in on a little secret: it's possible to like someone and enjoy their work, and that doesn't mean you agree with 100% of everything she's ever said. crazy, huh? kinda like how, in real life, you can be friends with people even though you don't agree with them on some things, or even a lot of

yeah, i love her too, i don't care how much of a hate-on jezebel has for her i think she's hilarious and smart and super candid.

Anyone else think she looks like Joy Behar in this picture?


i don't even think it's photoshop, it looks like they let a 4 year-old cut up her photo. i mean, i could do a better job in the dark and those awful leftie scissors which are somehow the only ones you can find when all the other scissors in the office go missing.

no, i've seen plenty of posts here that definitely confuse the 2. or rather, refuse to accept that obesity is bad for your health. or who think that anyone who says that obesity is unhealthy is fat shaming.

i didn't know that, i thought they had all done so anonymously. either way, call me a cynic but i still don't think anything will change until either a) someone famous comes forward or b) there's legal action. even if there's no conviction. but at least enough noise that there are multiple models testifying against

for fuck's sake, spare me the faux outrage. all i'm saying is of course it's going to be invasive and difficult, you can't just say, "oh fuck due process and having to actually prove a case, let's just convict based on the accusation because we need to spare people trauma." and there are protections in place, like

the problem is, as long as no one actually says anything when it happens, and takes legal action - instead of years later and anonymously on the internet - the accusations are nothing more than words. the industry can continue to ignore the allegations and argue that, if they were true, someone would have taken legal

but they have to be, for the accused to even stand a chance at a fair trial. due process and presumption of innocence are the foundation of any modern legal system. it's not easy regardless of whether you're accusing someone of sexual assault, harassment, theft, battery, etc.

the peggy olson character is one of the best female character on tv, ever. and elizabeth moss' acting throughout the entire series has been nothing short of briliant.

even so, you'd think someone would have sued by now. especially here in the Land o' Lawsuits.

yeah sure but it's not like the president is protecting him. sure, he has friends in high places but you'd think, if there are this many allegations, and the models are sufficiently traumatised by this, at least one of them would sue if not terry richardson, the modeling agencies themselves for booking them to shoot

agreed but at the same time, it's not one girl, there have been numerous allegations.

i mean, the other side has a right to defend itself too - i have some reservations when it comes to this being described as 'revictimisation' or 'abuse' but no one is saying it's a walk in the park, i'm with you on that. but how come there hasn't even been a civil suit?

why hasn't anyone sued him?

i think there's a time limit. you click on the little arrow next to the comment icon and the 'edit' option appears, unless too much time has gone by.

Serial killers and mass murderers (in the US anyway) are usually white...which of course means the people who do this and who are "analyzed" are white