
i think to some degree cultural appropriation is inevitable in a globalised world. you can't expose people to so many cultures and images and expect it won't happen. art has been appropriating other cultures for centuries. look at what happened when japan opened itself to the west in the mid 19th century and suddenly

but then people would be all offended that the fashion industry was fetichising the model's blackness.

look, people in general are ignorant and have knee-jerk reactions regardless of what you say. there's enough crazy in my family (and i say that with affection) that i know that most people are going to think whatever they want to anyway, regardless of how many facts you throw in their faces. but fear of stigmatisation

i'm a guy now too? also, reading comprehension. i said there's nothing wrong with discussing the guy's mental state and speculating as to what could have been wrong with him. also, i really don't think there's anything wrong with wondering if there really was more than 'just' asperger's wrong with the kid - in fact,

emotional and irrational. you're really not making any sense now, and you've deviated wildly from the topic at hand.

and again, still not discussing my actual points. so much intellectual laziness. unlike you, i don't give a crap about 'winning' internet arguments. try more reason, less emotion.

personal insults... the last refuge of the out-argued.

there was something obviously wrong with the kid. he was sick. yes, the father is speculating but the point is, who cares if it's schizophrenia, asperger's or anything else, the point is, something was wrong. mental illness can lead to violence. it's important to educate people and make sure they know that just

what the fuck does race have to do with any of this? and last i checked, there was the same level of speculation about what drove the d.c. sniper (and his teenage accomplice) to do what they did and last i checked, they were black.

i'm sorry, but something was obviously wrong with him. he was mentally ill. whatever mental illness he had, doesn't mean that everyone who has it will go on to do what he did but that doesn't mean his condition shouldn't be identified because people will get their wittle feelings hurt that the condition is being


pray tell, then, why do you even watch 'girls' or SNL if they're so racist and awful?

le sigh. jeff goldblum has been my future husband since i was 8 or 9 and snuck into my parents room while they were having a dinner party downstairs and watched 'the fly'. he just doesn't know it yet.

no, i think you're the one confusing people saying 'this isn't news' with homophobes. i agree that it's not doing anyone any good but let's not lump people who say it isn't news because for them it isn't and maybe it's wishful thinking and what they mean is that it shouldn't be newsworthy, with actual homophobia.

this is coming from people in an industry where looks and attention are everything. and therefore you want to stand out from the crowd. their narcissistic little pea brains probably meant 'it's great because if you're the only black girl, it means everyone will notice you, instead of being just another tall skinny

the tone? bad words and personal insults are accepted, starred and put in black when people are toeing the party line so nope, ain't buying it. but then i'm all for freedom of expression and if a comment doesn't contribute to the conversation, people will just ignore it anyway and the problem solves itself, no need


you're not playing devil's advocate, that is exactly what it means and i wish people would stop seeing enemies and homophobes where there aren't any. i mean, there are enough real ones out there, no need to invent new ones in allies that are maybe just not wording things the way you'd like.

really? then you're just looking for enemies where there are none because to me it means, why are we still making an issue out of people's sexuality? we should have moved past that by now and gay, straight, bi, should be as innocuous as blue, red, yellow...

how does she defy them? i'm always shocked by how people seem to think that shakira is a lot smarter and talented than she really is, i guess she's really good at selling that faux girl power shit.