
probably not so much outside of a feminist website. but on here, i think it's kind of taboo to even suggest that someone might be lying about being raped, as if that stuff never happens.

lol sorry, i guess what i meant to say is, what else are people supposed to think? should we believe her regardless of all this past behaviour that points to someone who is constantly making shit up for no reason other than attention? and who can't even get her facts straight about when it was, what band of his was

What else can a case like this be based on though? His lawyers need to prove she was lying with intent to harm him. What better 'evidence' than an internet history of lies, lies and more lies?

sorry, i thought you were referring to more comments than just the few kind of out there and rude ones. my mistake.

oh please. have you not read the comments from women with high libidos where they are the ones feeling rejected and sexually frustrated by their husbands'/boyfriends' low libidos? it's not a male-female thing, it's an individual thing and it doesn't matter if it's the man or the woman that has a high/low libido, the

morning sex is the best sex. or even better, early early morning sex when you can still go back to sleep for a bit before your alarm goes off.

have you ever thought that for a lot of people, sex is an expression of that emotional intimacy? i'm a woman and it's not true that men are more sexual and women are more emotional and having been in a relationship where my ex thought emotional intimacy was enough, i can say that while that might be true for some

i don't think there's an erasure of asexuality but quite honestly, i just don't understand how an asexual person can be in a happy, fulfilled relationship with a person who does have a sex drive and wants sex. so if you do decide to enter a relatiosnship with an asexual, isn't it pretty much a given that you're

The, "Give me more sex, or I will have to go elsewhere to get sex" ultimatum sounds profoundly harsh.

Absolutely none of this information is proof that Faircloth is lying about the rape allegations.

is there at least any kind of acknowledgement on her part that this is a problem, does she even want to try to find ways for her to want sex more? or does she sort of expect you to live with the current situation and resign yourself to very little sex?

having known several pathological liars in my life, i can say for certain that it definitely doesn't make sense. they lie when there is no 'reason' to (not that there's ever a reason but you know what i mean), when there's nothing to be gained, they lie and say they were at the drugstore instead of the supermarket

this. i think for people who don't need sex as often, they view it as simply a physical need that can be relieved by masturbation, and their need for intimacy can be met in other ways. but for us horny ones, it's not just about a physical need, sex is also an expression of intimacy and love and sorry, but cuddling

and it shouldn't be that way. have you tried talking to your husband about meeting you half way?

maybe you're doing too much of the housework/childcare? i don't know about your particular situation but i see that a lot with my friends, and it infuriates me. it's one thing if you're a SAHM then i agree you should do more around the house and with the kids but if you work full time just like your husband, why is it

agree that setting up any kind of rule about how many times you have sex is stupid. instead of numbers, i liked the other quote from the original article that said that one thing happy couples have in common is that they make sex a priority. every couple can define the frequency according to their needs or as a

I sympathise. I think the general perception is that it's usually men who have higher sex drives and women who would be content to go for ages without it and don't 'need' it the way men do but having been in that situation and having met other women who have, i would say it isn't always the case. i'm a woman and i'm

oh, i agree. i'm just saying that, while not ideal, they're not exactly über restrictive.

in practice it's different. i've never met anyone who had any real difficulty in obtaining one.

a three-day waiting period and a counselling session (which amounts to telling the person you want an abortion and are sure of it) doesn't seem very restrictive. neither does a limit of 12 weeks (3 months) which is standard in a lot of countries. a 5 day waiting period doesn't seem like a big deal either, especially