
neither are we sure that he did. either way, he has a right to defend himself and the only way to do that is by filing suit against the accuser.

this. for fuck's sake. he and his lawsuit aren't hurting victims. lying assholes who falsely accuse people of rape are the ones hurting the real victims. and making him out to be the bad guy for wanting to defend himself against (allegedly) false accusations is his right.

would you feel differently if the prosecutor and the judge were women? what does the sex of the judge and prosecutor have to do with anything? you know who else is a MAN? half of humanity. just because some of them are rapists doesn't mean that the ones who aren't can't do their jobs because it might remind the victim

where did i say that because letting rapists walk free is worse, "that makes it automatically ok to lock up victims who have difficulty with the process"? seriously, go back and read my post. i specifically said that i have issues with this but that i can see both sides of it. basically, i don't like it but i can

Yes, more victim outreach would be great as would housing for this woman and a cell phone so she could stay in touch and definitely some therapy. Because district attorney's offices and social services have so much money and time and trained personnel who have nothing more to do than provide the kind of outreach and

I'm not assuming anything. I was simply saying that I was reminded of these laws. It happens enough that these laws were created to try to provide a solution. I'm not making any kind of judgement of victims or their reasons for not pressing charges, simply that these laws came about as an attempt to find ways of

it sucks that they did this but what's worse: locking up rape victims to make sure they cooperate, and putting their rapists in jail, or allowing victims not to show up and another rapist walks free?

maybe so but the fact is the advice she was asking for is totally tied in with her beliefs, so i don't see how you could separate the two. plus: 'higher wavelength'. it bears repeating.

with that baseball cap, she looks like justin bieber in drag.

Was I the only one that thought the answer to the first question was a bit condescending?

i think these photos are hilarious. and made even funnier by hefner's clueless blurb.

not saying the scoring system doesn't suck but i think the problem is the skaters themselves and the 'style' of american skating in the past 8 years or so. there's no daring, no artistry, it's so very generic and blah. take gracie gold - she's like a pageant contestant from the midwest on skates. overly cheerful,

sure, the campaign needs more ethnic diversity but I have no issue with the use of attractive people. I mean, who's ever looked at a picture and thought, wow that girl is ooglay and those clothes look like crap on her, I wonder where I can buy them?

please. i'm not implying that you're driven by anything, i just like typing about twisted panties, what can I say, it appeals to my inner 12 year-old. i call people (of both sexes) dicks and cunts too, but guess what? it doesn't mean that i literally think they're penii or vaginas.

I see the sense of humour fairy forgot to stop by your crib.

Why? It's true, either you can orgasm without that much difficulty or you have issues in doing so (including not being able to at all). Or are we supposed to be all PC and act like not being able to orgasm is a good thing or part of our 'diversity'?

"For women is orgasm during intercourse really that much better than the roughly 4,000 other ways it's possible for your partner to stimulate your clit to orgasm without involving intercourse?"

"For women is orgasm during intercourse really that much better than the roughly 4,000 other ways it's possible for your partner to stimulate your clit to orgasm without involving intercourse?"

I agree with you. The problem is with the system, not with the judges or Sotnikova. Although I would have been happy with either Sotnikova or Kim winning gold, their routines were by far the best ones that night. Kostner was good but she just doesn't have the grace and weightlessness of the other two, who really just