
Then it's probably the same thing. Some of the beauty ones have glycerin added but mine's just plain rose water so go ahead and cook with it and put it on your face!

sorry, I couldn't tell you, I've never cooked with rose water before. Check the ingredients. If there's sugar or anything else in there, chances are they're different.

exactly. but no, instead, let's be unnecessarily snarky and make an article that really does nothing more than point out well known facts, and make it sexism... i just don't get the point of kate dries' post.

but you wouldn't be 'resigning' yourself to anything since the only reason people want to be thin is because we've been brainwashed by the media and obesity is the new bogeyman and there's nothing wrong with it and besides, science hasn't proven beyond a reasonable doubt that being fat is bad for you and because some

her 2014 butt looks like she's walking around with a loaded diaper. i hope for her sake it's natural because it would be sad to think anyone would pay thousands to end up with that.

i get what you're saying but at the same time, it's 10 years later and the statute of limitations expired, unless a bunch of other accusations start coming out this probably won't lead to anything other than speculation in the press. she could go after him in civil court but, with what proof? meanwhile, the fact that

she posted in the comments section, i think under her real name. and then she started a blog or a tumblr telling her story in more detail.

not really. they probably started out with a cold, didn't treat it so it turned into bronchitis, didn't treat it so it turned into pneumonia... and then death.

When I read about cases like these, I can't help but think: maybe forced sterilisation wasn't such a bad thing? These assholes should have had their reproductive organs removed after they killed their first kid.

I didn't think so. Thanks for confirming that. What about cinematography and editing and the more technical stuff?

i think some brands make it. and any shops that sell all natural beauty products. i got mine at an old family-run pharmacy and they make their own. pretty sure lots of middle eastern shops carry it as well.

the "I'm not crazy about what he did" was in response to a question about Roman Polanski.

why is it a shitty opinion?

good old rose water. i use it after i wash my face in the evening and before i apply my moisturiser. it's mild and smells gorgeous and isn't astringent like a tonic. it's helped improve the appearance of my skin and also helps the effectiveness of my moisturiser. since i started using it, i no longer get those flaky

well, name one director of Woody Allen's clout who has featured as many women in starring roles? Like I said, other than Almodovar, I'm drawing a blank... and while it's true he starred in many of his earlier films (not as himself, as is widely believed - his onscreen, ultra-neurotic persona may contain elements of

i don't think people who make that argument are necessarily rape apologists, i just think that in a lot of cases they don't understand what rape is and think it's about sex when it's really about power.

while the reasons behind the lack of representation of women in movies, tv shows, on camera in newscasts, etc. are pretty evident (and depressing), i wish there was more of an explanation as to why women are also underrepresented when it comes to the behind-the-scenes, more techincal jobs. where are the women

bring on the baby poo then. plus, it's not like it's shit itself, just safe microbes harvested from baby poo.

What good did it to her to keep the evidence anyway? It's not like he went to jail anyway. She got greedy and thought she could get more, when any smart person would have taken the 15 million and ran far, far away. Actually, a smart person never would have slept with mel Gibson in the first place, let alone let him

That's fine but the fact remains, the accusations remain just that, accusations. He was never tried and found guilty so the presumption of innocence remains. And besides, as has been mentioned here before but ignored, some people can separate the personal from the professional. His personal life doesn't change the