
I'm all for freedom of sexual expression, but somewhere there is a line

but I don't see any "problem" here to be a part of. Either you like her clownish nonsense or you don't.

seriously. first, it was offensive to blacks and now they're getting their panties in a twist over how offensive this is to bill clinton.

and the other way around as well. whenever interracial couples are discussed here, there are always comments from black women upset about black men dating white women.


i can't tell. my guess is it's a super pageant snowflake combo of elliot and elite. either way, it's the male equivalent of condemning your daughter to the stripper pole by naming her krystal or madysyn.

i mean that it's very easy to find porn where people aren't overaerobicised, plastic dolls with no pubes and no body fat and huge tits. there's a lot of it out there. not everyone in porn fits the stereotypical porn look.

just make sure it's organic milk and not shit from cows raised on hormones and antibiotics.

"That's the problem, I think, with younger men watching porn. "

rather than feeling ashamed or put down, you should tell those men that in the real world, women have pubes, natural breasts, aren't orange from fake tans, nor do they bleach their assholes. oh, and they expect a little reciprocity from their sexual partners. and that if he doesn't want reality, he should go back to

well said. it's like when tipper gore and the other concerned mothers out there were getting organised against bad words in music, violent movies, video games, etc... the problem isn't the violence in movies, games or songs, it's parents parking their kids in front of the tv/game console, instead of doing their

that's 'professional' porn. there's a lot of amateur out there with more normal looking people. i get what you're saying but maybe the problem isn't so much porn as with the lack of 'porn ed' that teaches boys that porn isn't what sex in the real world is like for most people?

but do you think that sometimes people in relationships aren't honest to their partner about looking at porn, because they can sense their partner disapproves of it? personally, i grew up in a house with 3 brothers, i just assume that all men look at porn, regardless of age or relationship status. and it would only

but more importantly, am I the only one amazed that her husband's name is Elytte? Ellytte... Seriously? Holy pageant name, Batman.

And some kids are 'neurotypical' assholes whose parents raised them to be that way, which isn't to say that it's ok to hit a kid but will you people stop pretending kids can't be little shits and that if they act out it's automatically because they're 'neurodiverse' or have some kind of mental issue? Some kids are

Jesus Christ, the comment wasn't flippant and there's nothing wrong with the sentiment expressed. you really need to unclench, man.

Oh for fuck's sake, untwist your panties. No one's saying that there's an epidemic or that the examples I gave are proof of that, but how the fuck am I promoting rape culture by saying that all accusations must be verified, questioned and proven before you can condemn someone as a rapist/abuser with 100% certainty?

i'm curious: what percentage would you like to see? what ratio of different ethnicities would you consider ideal? could you maybe make a pie chart of what it is you think the fashion industry should aspire to? should it be based on the percentages that different ethnicities represent in the US? in the developed world?

I sent this link to my mother and sister. They cursed me out but they also can't stop watching the videos. It's addicting.

You better put all that logic away. They don't like that much 'round these parts.