
Are you saying that if an alleged victim comes forward with his or her account, that statement cannot be questioned and they must be believed 100% and not questioned in any way, despite the fact that by making such accusations and if they should turn out not to be true - they are essentially ruining someone's life by

Valentine's Day is ridiculous. I refuse to celebrate such a forced, artificial holiday when I'm in a relationship so it stands to reason that I'm never bummed about it when I'm single. I refuse to be a part of anything that says that it's officially the day to celebrate being in a romantic relationship. I have nothing

I see Rihanna's shitty taste in men isn't limited to her boyfriends...

"In addition to the mirrors and nail files, Goldman Sachs provided T-shirts and key chains to hold headphone cords,"

yes but if he really is paying a fair wage in another country where cost of living is lower than the US and the worker is getting the same level of compensation, relatively speaking, than the US wage worker, then why should it have to be made in the US? but what he's also saying is that he's not doing it because

how do you know it was coercive? and it wasn't incest either. inappropriate, sure. and soon-yi's siblings and mia had every right to be pissed off and hurt but at the end of the day there is nothing illegal about a 20 or 21 year-old and a 55 year-old. you don't have to like it, but it's not illegal.

I tried not to personally insult the author but the more I read her post, the more the stupid hurt. How can you read the quotes and jump to that conclusion unless you're a) stupid or b) didn't actually read the quotes and just proceeded to drink the Jezebel Kool-aid and proclaim that because Charney said it, it's bad.

20 or 21, same diff. why you're obsessing over the 'almost' is beyond me. what is your point, exactly?

what's your point? whether it's 20 or 21, she was an adult. and had been for years.

i think it really depends on the kid and you shouldn't freak out if your little girl is into playing dolls and typically 'girlie' stuff instead of unisex toys. my mom would have loved for my sister and i to play dolls like she did until she was 14. she begged us to ask for a dollhouse for christmas. we never did. we

Are you stupid? Or don't you understand that what he's saying is that he believes in paying workers fair wages but that it shouldn't have to be only to workers in the US. Basically, he wants fair working conditions for workers around the world, not just the US. Unless you're a 'patriot' of the Tea Party variety who

isn't it also more common for batshit unstable people to do shit like manipulate their kids into thinking they were abused?

why shouldn't this be discussed? Dylan and Mia and Ronan have no problem running to the press to air their grievances and make accusations so once you make your family dysfunction public, why should others be concerned about the effect discussing this in the media will have on you? And how did Allen 'victimise'

this is Stephen Harper's New Canada we're talking about. Is anyone surprised? I'm actually surprised their treatment of her wasn't worse.

Please. Moses is getting trashed for not defending Mia and Dylan and people are still giving credence to Mia's fabricated description of Soon-yi's childhood, and of Soon-yi herself as younger than her age, a cretin and victim or manipulation by Allen, when she herself has stated her age, has defended he intelligence

everyone insists on giving dylan the benefit of the doubt and believing everything she says and that questioning it is unfathomable, yet soon-yi isn't given the same benefit of the doubt. and neither is moses, for that matter. strange, that...

riiiight. because 21 and 7 are the same thing...

yeah, mentally weak naive people go on to graduate with masters degrees from columbia and teach at spence... uh-uh... happens all the time. mia farrow is full of shit and i feel sorry for all 14 of her kids.