
so moses can't but ronan can? what's your logic?

Um, maybe because the more comes out about her, the more people realise what a fucking nutter she is and that maybe her past behaviour and manipulation of her own children makes them wonder if maybe she didn't manipulate dylan into thinking she was abused out of anger and need for revenge against allen, and soon-yi by

her name and name changes are a matter of public record and have been published before. and again, if mia, dylan and ronan choose to air their family scandal in public, they should only expect the same type of scrutiny that everyone involved in this is going to get.

sorry, but if you take your family scandal public and start tweeting and going to the media with your accusations, you're opening yourself up to scrutiny. just like allen's life is being put under a magnifying lens, mia's is going to go through the same thing, it's only natural.

call me a cynic but I despise this type of internet personal tragedy story, and yeah, i'm suspicious of the veracity of most of them. but even when it's true, it just reeks of sympathy-baiting and attention-whoring and professional victimhood. and schmaltz. i always feel like a weirdo because while people are sharing

Trust me, I know. There's tons of T2 diabetes on one side of my family. Some of my relatives who have it are overweight, some aren't. But you know what they all have in common? Unhealthy eating habits and no regular exercise. And a few of my relatives have managed to 'reverse' it or at least get to a point where they

what about plus-size princes? i've never seen one of those either.

there's type 1 and type 2. type 1 is inevitable. type 2 is the result of an unhealthy diet and lifestyle and can be prevented.

also prevents you from looking like a back-lit hamster.

his show is so irresponsible, I had to stop watching. Also Jillian's self-loathing, coupled with her screaming at people, is disturbing. The whole thing just makes me sad for all involved.

please. the assignment wasn't horrible. it wasn't disrespectful. it's a university, professors should be free to talk about anything and calling for his head on a stick over something like this is ridiculous. universities are places for debate, discourse and for all kinds of things to be discussed and that shouldn't

this. lots of topics are sensitive for some people but you're at a university among adults and no one should have to censor themselves or their assignments because it might be a difficult subject for some people.

Sorry. If you're accused of being a paedophile, you bet your ass you should use everything at your disposal to defend yourself. Even if it probably won't make a difference in the court of public opinion where an accusation is as bad as a guilty verdict in court.

And I'm sorry but I think that's ridiculous.

sure. and neither of those translate into you being a paedophile who would be sexually attracted to little children.

well, how nicely would you speak about your ex if she had accused you of molesting a 7 year-old?

ok, you're in your 40s and can be attracted to 18 year-old girls. is it a slippery slope to attraction to 7 year-olds? of course not. being attracted to a young adult is not paedophilia nor does it show a propensity for it.

questioning the veracity of an alleged victims' accusation isn't blaming the victim or character assassination. an accusation isn't proof even if public opinion has decided that allen is guilty. he stands accused of a horrible crime and has a right to defend himself and the only possible way he can is by saying that

Wait, and Mia Farrow's accusations aren't character assassination? Really?

It's an interesting argument for sure. I guess I lean more towards 'normal' because I don't think it should be about statistical definitions based on the population at large, but rather more in terms of what is medically qualified as underweight or overweight and 'normal' being the middle between those two extremes.