
The plan was “Luke’s a Jedi, so just get him inside with a lightsaber and it’ll work out”.

If you watch the prequels (which I know isn’t something most people want to take as canon or anything, but it’s all I have having not read the books), at least based on Obi-Wan’s actions, it seems Jedis mostly just act on instinct with no plan, relying on their skills to get them through things. Like, someone tries to

The plan was clearly get Leia into a bikini and give screen-time to lots of different muppets, even as a kid I understood what was going on...

How about a shout out to how diverse Jabba the Hutt’s gang was. Jabba was woke!

Hmm, this ain’t bad - probably the best explanation for the whole endeavor yet.

This is exactly the kind of thing that just makes me shrug and say, “Yes, and?” when people complain that The Last Jedi had pointless scenes or logic that does not hold up to the slightest scrutiny. That is house style for Star Wars.

I’ve always loved RTJ, particularly because of the Death Star destruction sequence.

They knew that they couldn’t storm Jabba’s palace, so the plan was to get everyone inside the palace and take it down.

Sort of in the same vein as the classic opening to each of the Indiana Jones films, the whole rescue sequence at Jabba’s palace and at the Sarlac were just a means to kick off RotJ with a big, action-packed and stunt and fx spectacle before getting to the main plot. A sort of way to reintroduce and establish the main

Superman: Peace on Earth also covers this topic quite nicely. With Alex Ross art!

This sounds like it could be great. The mainstream always forgets that Cap is a defender of the ideal America not what America is now

Nah, Steve is Cap, Sam is Falcon, Bucky is...Bucky.

Yeah, it reads a lot better in a binge.

I read the first few issues of his Black Panther as they came out, and was lukewarm on it, but binged the first 18 issues a few weeks ago and loved it. You really need to read the first 12 issues as one big story. Hopefully they’ll put out an OHC of it soon.

“I’m better than you because I go to movie theaters.” For real?

My big question is this: What has the studio-theater model ever done for anyone, in a positive way, that produces this sycophantic drive to defend them from Netflix’s innovation at all costs? Why are so many film/tv critics also coming out as Netflix critics, despite Netflix being a better content delivery system than

I still hope that they troll us and he defeats The Thinker without ever learning his plan because it’s too complex for us to ever understand.

bad for movies because it pays decent money to interesting, independent films that would historically have appeared at a few distant film festivals, during the middle of the week before having a brief 2 week run in LA and NY and then disappearing completely and then i would never get to see them?

bad because their

Like...you guys do understand that other studios are withholding their back catalog deliberately from Netflix, either because other streaming services are paying more for exclusive rights or because they have plans to cut out the middleman and start their own streaming services, right? I mean, you keep using the words

Since Nora is played by Ray’s real-life wife, presumably those two are going to end up having some kind of bonding that saves the day (I think?)