
They knew, this was always the plan. Introduced her in live action on Arrow then have her voice the animated character.

This was EASILY the most fun Rip has ever been.

Imagine being a 15yr old kid trying to hunt down tangent issues integral to a major Crossover.

-Mick setting up a reputation for Amaya as a loathsome, fearsome pirate lady might be just about the sweetest thing he has ever done.

The Wally and Rip hijinks were fun all around, but the Careless Whisper karaoke was tremendous.

Every time I catch that scene where she pretends to seduce Timothy Dalton and then conks him on the head I actually feel really bad for Dalton. It’s a young Jennifer Connelly! Poor guy never had a chance to say no. That’s like playing pick-up basketball at the local Y and discovering the other guys brought LeBron.

Next time: A mostly unknown ’80s comic, created as an homage to the movie serials of the ’30s, becomes a shockingly great adventure movie in The Rocketeer.

I remember when it came out hearing an interview with Warren Beatty where he said he only wanted primary colors in the film, nothing else. It fascinated me and was the first time I’d ever paid attention to cinematography.

That’s also the climax of Donkey Kong.

I’m hoping for the following:

I knew “The Rocketeer” would be next. After that, it’s gonna be harder to guess until like 1998.

It was one of those films that I saw once, and have never seen it on TV since.

I think Dick Tracy is a lot better than you give it credit for. Yes, Pacino was way over-the-top, but things like that is what help made it work. The costumes and set designs were spot-on, it ranks right up there with Flash Gordon and the Tim Burton Batman movies as looking like a great visual representation of a

Trump kept saying that if the teacher had a gun, the shooting would’ve ended right there. As if having a gun makes someone invincible? Armed cops and soldiers never die? At best it’s a 50/50 proposition now, and the teacher probably isn’t packing a semi-automatic machine gun. This is driving me insane. What is the

Did they never see “The Substitute?” Clearly teachers are already unstoppable killing machines. And now you want to give them guns?!

Oh, no. I don’t believe that. I think it’s a hell of a lot harder for them to ignore these students (recent victims).

My thoughts exactly, and it’s one of the most prevalent reasons we’re in this horrific mess right now. Journalists have become less interested in the truth than they are in fucking clicks and ratings. Shame on every last one of them.

Great showcase for Zari- this went a long way towards making her part of the gang.

I am a big fan of time loop episode, and this was a damn good one. Also, Tala Ashe is absolutely delightful.

I looooooved this episode. This is my top Superhero show this season, super closely followed by Agents of SHIELD (which is tighter... this is just so much more fun), and then Black Lightning.