
Agreed 100%!

It was immensely satisfying for Kara to tell Lena that from now on, she won’t take the blame for Lena’s bad decisions. I grew tired of Lena’s self pity several episodes ago, so I hope she snaps out of it after this!

Toxic or not, Nate punching DJ S’more was funny as hell!

It’s really good, but Hickman’s X-Men is still my favorite. The recent Mystique issue was awesome, and I absolutely loved the issue where Magneto, Charles, and Apocalypse met with world leaders!

Fantastic episode! Loved how they worked in tributes to all three iconic 80's horror villains with Freddy’s first and last name, and of course his mom being the killer!

Not Amunet! The last character I wanted to see on this show again!

Not even a little curious about Ghostbusters: Afterlife? My daughter is really excited for it!

I’m all about Wonder Woman 84! Can’t wait!

How could they forget Luke Perry?! Ugh!

Loved this episode! Nailed the mystery novel/noir vibe perfectly. Just a blast to watch!

Bojack’s life isn’t over. He has a chance at being happy. Plus, the other characters have all advanced in their lives. Basically, positive change is possible.

Watched all eight episodes in one night. Equally hilarious, heartbreaking, and hopeful. Well done, show!

Such a great show.

Altered Carbon sounds a lot like Dollhouse from that description.

Paul Blackthorne absolutely killed it in his two big scenes. I found his speech at the statue to be very moving. Also... Tommy! Man it was good to see him again! I also really enjoyed that the finale wasn’t Olicity 24/7, and that the episode really focused on a lot of Oliver’s different relationships (especially the

True. BTW, Hulk: The End is spectacular. That last page has stayed with me for years!

The original line of Marvel’s The End series made some sense because they were written by beloved creators who had long runs on the those respective characters. I don’t really get the point of these new specials because most of the creators have little or no experience with the character. When Peter David tells you

Joaquin’s speech was great. Hardly a word about himself, heartfelt compliments to the other nominees, and a classy tribute to Heath Ledger. Loved it!

Not prepared.

Seen it three times and liked it as well. People are really seeing what they want to see in terms of it “disrespecting” TLJ, IMO.