
It also doesn’t go back on the democratization of The Force (which was always there if people paid attention to stuff like Clone Wars, Rebels, etc.), since it basically revealed that Finn is Force sensitive (and maybe Jannah as well). That to me balances out the idea that Rey came from a “special” family.

Yep! I just saw Rise for the third time last night, and I don’t think it’s anywhere near as disrespectful to The Last Jedi as people are making it out to be. Yes, it retcons some parts, but it also takes some key things from Last Jedi and makes them big parts of the story (Rey and Kylo’s force conversations for

The Avengers Assemble scene was so incredible. Glad it was listed.

I laughed way too hard at the Nance/Romo and Aikman sections!

Best episode of the crossover so far. Loved how it was so focused on character over FX. That Barry/Jefferson scene was great, and I thought Ollie’s goodbye in this scene was better than the one in the first episode.

A step down after the great start. These shows excel at the little character moments (Clark meeting Clark, Smallville, etc.), but the spectacle part is where it falls down for me. That Superman vs. Superman fight was not a lot of fun to watch.

Worst Of lists are never good, but this one... wow.

I’m just sick of it. She’s out of excuses and the ones she’s using are just tired.

The shot of it emerging out of the trees with its red eyes was epic!

Knives Out was phenomenal. A really good time at the movies.

No defense for Salvation, but I liked T3 and Genisys. The former had an incredibly bleak and ballsy ending that I admired, and the latter played with elements of the previous movies in fun ways. Haven’t seen Dark Fate yet.

Yes! The artwork in the credits was phenomenal!

I love those Gabe ads. Gabe’s petty jealousy is very amusing to me.

Welcome back, Willa Holland! It was so great to see Thea, and especially to see her interact with Oliver! She has been missed and brought so much energy to the show!

Completely agree! It was Stan’s skill as a marketer that ultimately set him apart from other creators, and set Marvel apart from the competition!

Not my favorite episode of the season, but I think it was the funniest. I was absolutely dying laughing when they were talking about Pickle’s dad’s temper and he was fuming! Wonderfully orchestrated!

I hope the show doesn’t end up rejecting episode 7's important message of self-forgiveness. I guess we’ll see what happens. Powerful season overall.

I almost wish this was the last episode of the show. I think the message about forgiving yourself is very important. Of course, then I watched episode 8 and I’m dreading where things head from here.

I would say watching Buffy with your kids works until about Season 4 or so. By then, and especially by season 6, there’s just too many awkward moments for both parties. ;-)

I loved Joker, but that “Grouch” sketch was fantastic!