
I was worried that Imra was going to die so as to set up Kara and Mon-El getting back together. Which I don’t want to see, at this point - he and Imra have a healthy relationship and there’s no need to destroy it just because Kara is the main character. Let Kara move on and just accept that circumstances made it

Yup! Just because Braniac is smart doesn’t mean he has all the knowledge. Heck, they’ve already talked about how much knowledge was lost on Earth. It was Winn knowing about the Voyager spacecraft that made the difference, not him outsmarting a Level 12 intelligence.

I cracked up at Ruby when she tried to get Alex to go after some kid that messed with her in kindergarten.

I liked the Braniac-Winn stuff. Braniac was being condescending to Winn but eventually realized that just because Winn is from the past doesn’t make him dumb.

I haven’t seen it yet, but I get the impression from recognitions that they’re not objecting to the art but Gary Oldman’s politics.

They are planting seeds of Alex becoming her foster parent after Reign dies, IMO. Why else would the “I want to be a mommy” thing which broke up her engagement be such a big deal?

I’m choosing to take alt-Guardian’s murder on Earth-X as a sign that the storyline’s dead too.

Pacey was a player. Facts.

Well, someone has to be Daisy’s Love Interest of the Season.

What if Zeke is related to somebody we know? A grandchild of one of the characters. Our agents have changed names, so grandpa Shaw could be Fitz, Hunter, or Mac...actually forget that last one...

The show is off for most of February because of the Olympics.

Looks like Flint gets them into the time loop; not sure if he gets them out. Maybe they need him to put together the monolith, but then they have to kill him before he cracks the planet or releases Graviton or whatever.

Yeah, if *gravitonium* finally came back, then Vijay bloody well better come back.

-The space desert costumes the team arrived in looked pretty cool, really nails the sci-fi aspect of this season.

Are you suggesting that the jury wouldn’t believe that Barry Allen is an idiot?

I assume that Barry will still be active as the Flash. He’ll just vibrate through the walls of the prison, beat the bad guy, then run back into prison before anyone notices he was gone.

In Cecille’s defense, she was pretty hemmed in. Barry’s alibi is that he was at Chez West two seconds earlier and Flashed over to his loft, which means she can’t present said alibi without revealing his identity, and Barry won’t allow that. She knows that the “other guy” is actually the Thinker, so he’s going to

Especially since the comic story was notoriously long and drawn-out, thanks to them unexpectedly having to stretch it when the DC execs got the idea for Crisis on Infinite Earths.

It would be narratively tidy at this point for Barry to start creating time remnants and have one of them set in jail and do time while he goes out and fights crime.

Were the trial scenes perfunctory and swift? Yes. But did I want to see it stretched out and dragged on? Hell no.