
He was by the end, for sure.

He might be a mid-tier president, but that still makes him quite possibly the best president in a lot of people’s lifetime.

Haven’t seen that episode, but Stern is a pretty thoughtful and intelligent guy when he sheds his radio persona.

You’ve got the timeline wrong. Idris was on at the beginning of Season 5 for about six episodes playing Michael’s new boss. Michael left at the end of season 7. All the Robert California/Kathy Bates stuff was at the end of the series in seasons 8 and 9. Yes, those last two seasons were mostly terrible.

Dwight was easily my favorite character on the show. But, was he good? By the last few seasons, I think yes, he was absolutely good. I also loved that he & Jim both acknowledged their friendship in the last season, if not the last few seasons.

My problem with this take is that I never thought Jim was supposed to be a model for how one should act in such a situation. He’s more aware of the fact that he’s working a dead-end job in a completely inappropriate work environment, which makes the audience identify with him a bit more, but his response to this

How dare you enjoy something when it CLEARLY OFFENDS MY WOKE-ASS BAE SENSIBILITIES.

Why is what he said controversial at all? He’s literally arguing that women deserve the exact same gigantic salary that he gets. Isn’t equal pay and more money for actresses pretty much the ultimate goal?

I hear Hillary Clinton really hated “Firefly.” You’d really own the libs by getting them to bring it back.

How dare you post such a vile story without a trigger warning!

If the right person hacked the teleprompters for Fox & Friends some morning, we could have single-payer healthcare by mid-afternoon.

I was having a pretty good day today. I’d aborted over a dozen babies, I’d gotten a couple of conservative co-workers fired for “hate speech”, and so for lunch I decided to visit Wendy’s. Not to purchase any food—like my fellow elites I only eat artisan kale salads prepared by women in hijabs— but rather to mock the

Yea, I’d say the only difference between stupid stunts at 17 and 22 is the number of resources available and likelihood alcohol will be involved.

So I take it you were a completely mature responsible adult with the judgement of someone with 20 more years on the planet at 22? Seems...unlikely. What is likely is that you hold people like Paul to a higher standard than you hold yourself.

Which is why it’s bizarre that they won’t tie to the MCU. Ultron was in it for fuck’s sake!

Racism. It’s racism.

How would someone with LGBTQ friends vote for a ticket that thinks those people are sick and need to be cured?

I think what bears examining is why so many people believe Trump’s constant claims that the country is going to hell when we had full employment and the lowest crime rate in American history. “Our cities are on fire” doesn’t make a lick of sense if you know how to Google crime statistics or the word “gentrification”

Yes. Time traveling Obama created the Bush recession, blackly defeated the hero McCain (and Sarah!) in a very black way - then went on to oppress those poor white people by saving the economy and giving them health care - blackily.

I don’t remember the Connors blaming brown folks for the way the rich have robbed the country blind, punishing innocent vulnerable people while giving the perpetrators massive tax cuts, but I haven’t caught that many reruns over the years. Maybe it’s in there somewhere