
BM. They’ll be happening when he has a B.M.

Its not really any of your business.

We all knew Harmon was an asshole during early Community, I don’t quite get why this story is being treated as ‘news’, but ok.

Then Ganz shouldn’t put it on Twitter but should contact Harmon directly. It’s not like she doesn’t have his contact information and this was the only way to reach him.

Putting someone in the box was probably Jonah attempting to bring a new threat to the table. Fuck up enough and he’ll just use them as fuel.

I thought his original name was Darkseid.

Yeah, I mean Liefeld’s art is bad and his comics don’t suit my sensibilities, but he’s a very nice man by all accounts. I don’t get why anyone would begrudge him financial reward.

God fucking forbid a person make money on their creation...

I don’t think they were reacting to ‘Bite me’, but rather Molly calling her Stacey instead of Mom.

The Yorkes continued to rule for me in this episode as the parents were involved in both the most emotionally affecting scene with Molly as well as bringing the humor to saving Victor. They are such a treasure for this show.

Ah, I felt like the ‘Bite me’ was probably equal to the reaction, myself.

I liked how much dinosaur there was.

Yeah but remember how they even introduced the other realms in Thor as science through Jane Foster? I felt that even in Agents of Shield they turned a lot away from magic and towards science. Maybe I’m remembering wrong, but I feel like Marvel has very strongly tried to “explain magic.”

Running contrary to a lot of opinions, I actually LIKE that this show is taking its time building the parents and their relationships with each other and their kids. Firstly, it adds a lot more drama when they finally do run away, as it compounds what they have to leave behind, and shows that not all the parents are

Pretty cool episode. Having everyone interact in a new-ish location is good for the show’s energy. It felt as though more things were happening this week.

but for real, not surprising for an abuse victim. I’m more annoyed they are sorta blaming it on the brain cancer.

Yeah, I was all, “NOOOOO! His sudden interest in you as a person doesn’t excuse the abuse he put you through!”

Am I the only one bummed about Chase and Victor bonding over engineering?

The comics say she’s a velociraptor right up until future-member and baby-Ultron Victor says “She’s not a Velociraptor. She’s a Deinonychus .” which promptly, and possibly for the only time ever, shuts Gert up immediately.

Does every review need to be made up whining that the show isn’t exactly the same as the comic? We get it by now. Just review it for what it is.