
For me, its 5>4>3>1>2. I love 5 so much mainly for the inclusion of Ilsa. She was such an awesome character. I also love the underwater scene in Rogue Nation. Very suspenseful!

Yes! That totally played into it seeming older than it was. The transitions especially are done in a very old school way!

Benjy and Ilsa Faust are awesome! Adding Simon Pegg to the franchise was a stroke of genius by JJ!

Thats what I told my wife. We just have to charge through the first two and then we get to the good stuff. The first one is so dated that it felt like it was much older than 22 years!

Just watched the first Mission Impossible last night and was struck by just how dated the movie was. Dont get me wrong, it was still fun, but stuff like the way email was shown took me right out of the movie. Also... Emilio Estevez is in it! Somehow I had completely forgotten that!

Awesome moment. The theater I saw it with on opening night lost it! Brilliantly done!

Id argue that for Catwoman to be open to the idea of marriage, shes also opening herself up to be more vulnerable. With that vulnerability, comes the possibility that she could be more in tune with anxieties and then susceptible to this kind of subtle manipulation.

Yep. Its not the end of the story. I hated the issue upon first read, but enjoyed it much more with subsequent reads.

They had a pretty passionate kiss at the wedding.

Rogue and Gambit caught the bouqet and garter back at Scott and Jeans wedding. I enjoyed things coming full circle in X-Men Gold 30.

I don’t think were supposed to see Catwoman leaving Bruce at the altar as the definitive answer to the “Does Bruce need to be miserable to be Batman?” question. It’s what she’s been convinced in that moment, but that doesn’t mean she’s right (in fact, we see that at least partially, she was manipulated into that line

I actually love the idea of The Rock as Black Adam. Looking forward to seeing it happen someday!

Seeing this movie is such a great memory. I remember just loving it in the theater. I had waited what seemed forever to see these characters on screen, and I felt at the time that they had absolutely nailed it.

What a scamp, that Superman! ;-)

The way people talk about that scene, you’d think Zod was playing with kittens when Superman killed him. The reality of the situation was that Zod was putting lives immediately in danger and took action to save those lives.


Ant-Man and The Wasp was such a good time. Loved taking my daughter to it so much we’re seeing it a second time this weekend!

I haven’t seen Superman behave out of character yet. If anything, I think he’s got a great handle on Clark.

Thank you!

I think they’re returning by issue 4.