
He still has a wife and a son. If anything, their absence is making it more apparent how important they are to him. Theyll be back, and soon!

The Last Jedi is incredible and one of the best Star Wars movies ever. I’ll never get tired of it!

Hes not wrong. I saw Christopher McQuarrie just said he’d no longer be interested in Man of Steel 2 given fan behavior, which is a real shame since he would be a great choice. :-(

Jon/Lois arent dead, they’re gone, and it’s greatly affecting Clark. Also, him using Jor-El right away is literally picking up on what came before. So far, his run is a great continuation of what Rebirth started.

I loved Bendis’ Man of Steel mini, so I’m really excited to see where things go from here. The scene of Clark hugging Jon’s stuffed animal alone in issue 6 was so sad, as was the memorial service. He has a really good handle on the character!

Batman is just consistently excellent. Tom King is doing an incredible job.

Well, I thought it was incredibly flawed, but my 7 year old daughter loved it and started running around the house like Supergirl afterward. So really, what do I know? :-)

Octavia is the worst!

It’s been great! So glad to have Jean back! Now we just need adult Cyke!

So, what has everyone been reading and enjoying lately? Very, very pleasantly surprised by Bendis’ work on Man of Steel. He really has a great feel for the character, and the art has been top notch! Hawkman #1 was also really good. I like it’s Indiana Jones meets Superheroics vibe. Last week’s issue of Red Hood and

What are some books that people are enjoying lately? I’m really surprised how much I love Bendis’ Man of Steel. It’s impressive how good a grasp of Clark’s voice he already has! I also really enjoyed Hawkman’s first issue. Indiana Jones meets Superheroics is a good approach for the character.

Not to mention killing all of the beings that try to capture Thor in cold blood.

Definitely. As always with the best episodes of Black Mirror, it gives you plenty to chew on! :-)

I guess it’s happier because they know about it going in. All of that aside, the story itself is pretty touching.

What I meant was, there’s no mention of him returning and dying for a second time. From that, I think it’s safe to say he definitely died in WW. We’ll see though. Looking forward to it!

Tons! It is mostly under the surface stuff (similar to the animated series), but it’s definitely there. At one point, Bruce mentions Steve’s name to Diana, and... let’s just say it’s not a great idea. :-)

Well, he’s still very much dead in JL, so I’m guessing there’s more than meets the eye here.

Easy. I just hope it relates to themes explored in the movie. It looks great.

Super excited! The shot of Wonder Woman looking at the TVs is also very cool. Really hoping that the 1984 setting isn’t coincidental. Looks great!

Such an incredible Black Mirror episode. Loved it!