
Wow. This was just... horrible.

Great episode. The show is on fire so far. Right now, it’s the best the show’s been since Season 2 (and I really liked Season 4).

He is so consistently funny on the show. Would hate to see him leave. The guy always brings the goods.

Comes up Star Wars: The Clone Wars though.

Metal has some incredible moments, but I thought No Justice hung together better. Enjoy!

Johns did some strong work with him during the JL issues of Forever Evil. He also had some good moments in Metal and No Justice.

I’ve bought into him as a Leaguer at this point. They’ve done a good job in numerous comics of showing what he brings to the table.

At least Jessica is starring in Justice League Odyssey. Curious to see where Simon goes.

YES! I love that moment! Perfection!

My only nitpick is that it doesn’t really make sense for John to be on the team. Where does he have the time as the leader of the GLC?

Read Flash War. Some interesting stuff going on there!

I’d love it. That is one of my favorite Thor moments ever. He also has a really great heart-to-heart moment with Eden Fesi in one of the tie-in issues.

Truth. Re-read Infinity recently and I was so impressed how it blended heady sci-fi with brilliant little character moments.

Absolutely! Love that part in the trailer where he winds up for the beat down. Wonder if he’s the villain for the whole movie or if he will team up with the heroes by the end.

Ghost Protocol and Rogue Nation were great. Looks like the streak will continue with Fallout. Love Rebecca Ferguson’s Ilsa character especially!

Love J’onn taking a prominent leadership position in the League again. No Justice was a lot of fun, and this book features two of my favorite artists in comics. IN!

If not as bad as Crawford, Wayans comes off pretty badly in the article.

Agree totally.

No question. Love that scene.

Not sure what you mean. Falcon has killed lots of faceless villains between WS, CW, and IW, but I don’t see many think pieces written about that.