
I’m enjoying the show in its entirety. I like that they’ve fleshed out the Pride so much so that it’s not just about the kids. It makes the whole show more interesting. James Marsters especially is doing some phenomenal work!

Great, great episode and send-off for my favorite Doctor. I will really, really miss Capaldi in the role. He was brilliant right up until the very end.

That’s a little different in that it was one review, not the final word on a movie’s critical reception.

I get it’s a lot of people’s cup of tea, but Thor: Ragnarok was my least favorite CBM of the year.

I think that’s just part of our culture now. Things aren’t allowed to be “OK” or “not the greatest”.

Exactly. Such a straightforward system doesn’t incentivize making challenging films.

The system promotes always making the safe decision. If a review says there are some good things about the movie but also some things the reviewer didn’t like, why should that earn the movie that stupid green “blech” symbol? Seems to me that a system like this promotes making more generic films that don’t invite

I hate Rotten Tomatoes. They can say they’re not responsible for film criticism being boiled down to little icons, but respectfully, that is complete and total BS.

Great episode with an absolutely terrific cliffhanger!

I think Rotten Tomatoes itself deserves a big part of the blame for this phenomenon as well. Putting a film in either a “Fresh” or “Rotten” category robs a review of any nuance and perpetuates this idea that everything is either the “Best Ever!” or “Terrible!”. The fact is that most films live somewhere in between.

Here’s what JJ originally said regarding her parents. What happened in TLJ contradicts none of his comments.

Yoda had my favorite line with “page turners, there were not”. Loved that he had more of the spritely attitude that he displayed in Empire.

Yes to both of those things. I loved that moment with Leia and think it’s crazy how people are coming after it. People have been waiting for 30 years to see her really use the force. She finally does it, and all of a sudden it’s too much?!

I didn’t think it was that similar. It definitely plays out very differently, that’s for sure.

Great review! I loved the movie and absolutely do not understand the hate that it’s getting in some quarters. It is a true rollercoaster ride. My emotions were all over the place in the movie. Reading this review made me want to see it again!

Love Injustice 2. They did a great job with that game. Superman’s story ending is so damn creepy!

Loved that scene at the beginning with Oliver and Lance. That was so damn touching. They have come so far, and it has all been earned!

If I payed money to see Thor: Ragnarok, then I can say that it didn’t work for me. Where’s the crime in that? As a Star Wars fan, I don’t think he would bring the right tone to the movies.

I am just fine with him never doing a Star Wars movie. His tone of making fun of every development in Thor Ragnarok took me out of the movie. I don’t really need that in a Star Wars experience.

Huh? I thought the cliffhanger was awesome. I’m very excited to see where things go from here.