
You certainly can, but it’s not really necessary. As long as you know who Duke is, you should be fine. It stands on its own really well.

Oh absolutely! What a great story! I want it to be canon!

Yes, it was really good. I also liked the recent issue where they got their headquarters. “Fortress of Attitude”... LOL.

Jorge Jimenez is doing fantastic work on that series as well. He brings such a youthful energy to the book that is obviously perfect!

Saga really was fantastic this year. Amazing how a story so fantastical can be grounded in such real human emotions and experiences. My wife and I have had multiple lost pregnancies, so many of the issues hit us very hard.

Glad to see Tom King’s work on Batman spotlighted. That comic always gives you a little more to chew on. So good! The end of War of Jokes and Riddles was pretty shocking.

Personally, I loved this episode. It’s great that they’re fleshing The Pride out just as much as The Runaways. The series is off to a great start.

Just an awesome moment. Barry, you are well and truly screwed! :-)

Loving the positivity on this thread so far. That scene was fantastic. Loved everything about it!

So great!

Amazing thread. Dan Harmon is the man!

That’s all well and good on a week-to-week basis, but eventually he’d be needed for a world-ending crisis. Plus, I want to see Superman meet Ollie, Barry, etc.

Fine, but at least imprison him!

My favorite part of last night was the Atom’s rescue of Kara. That was a very surprising and cool moment.

Wish you wouldn’t have gone to the “better than Justice League” well. This had many flaws as well (lack of concern for Earth X and those in the camps, tonal issues of a double wedding right after a funeral, etc.). JL had its share of bumps, but I thought it stuck the landing with the last ten minutes giving me

They might have thought this entire team would be easier to take than Supergirl, Superman, and J’onn. LOL.

No question — there was a lot to love in the episode (Ray’s rescue, any time Victor Garber was on screen, Ray riding a T-Sphere, Killer Frost’s ice sled, Kara’s “Care to step outside” moment, etc...), but I kept coming back to the things that bugged me, like...

It was so touching to see Oliver reflect on his friendship with Tommy. I loved that relationship and it is so great that even after all of these years, Tommy’s death is still an open wound. Great scene!

Personally, I thought Benoist was great as evil Kara!

Great episode. As much fun as the super fights are, it’s the little character moments that really make these crossovers shine for me. Things like: