
It may not be a big deal to her that her scenes were cut from BvS, but it hurt the movie overall because her scenes in the Ultimate Cut included critical information/context that directly answered some of the plot issues that people had with the theatrical cut. The fact that the wheelchair bomb was encased in lead is

I wasn’t a huge fan of the film, but it’s first trailer was incredible!

I’d put Justice League, Thor, and Star Wars on this list. Star Wars had the iconic “It’s time for the Jedi to end” line, while Thor had “we’re friends from work”, and finally Justice League had “Dressed like a bat... I dig it.” Combine memorable quotes like that with great visuals and awesome music, and you have the

Yep. He makes a good villain if you never read these original stories. However, if you have...

Yes, the Breakdowns issue also showed a more serious side. A great read.

Go figure. It was by far my favorite episode of the season so far... :-)

It’s not included in this collection, but Justice League America #38-40 is one of my favorite JL stories. The team is so clearly outmatched against Despero (seriously, they would have all died without J’onn). Its high stakes also made it stand out next to the book’s usually humorous approach. Also, how can you go

It recently got referenced in Green Lanterns, so I think so, yes.

Different strokes, I guess. I found Clark’s defeat of the World Engine in MoS very compelling. I remember being very invested in the world’s fate in that movie. For BvS, I don’t think you’re supposed to be that concerned for the world. I was more concerned for Clark both during his fight with Bruce and when he gave

Looking forward to it. Love the original series. The new series that Marvel just put out is also very good so far!

I’m with you there. I hate RT. It makes everything either “The worst ever” or “The best ever” when most times movies are somewhere in between.

“Worst opening weekend yet”? How about “lowest opening weekend”? The headline you’re using makes it sound like their other opening weekends were really low, which is far from the case. When your lowest opening is just shy of $100 million, then your other films have opened to some huge numbers.

Yep :-(

“Half-assed casting”?! The one thing most everyone can agree on is that the casting in these movies has been great!

85% audience score. Clearly they’re seeing something that critics didn’t...

I saw it last night. If you’re a fan of the characters, I think you’ll get a lot of enjoyment out of it. Some of the criticisms are legit, but the movie really nails the character relationships and team dynamics.

I think you’ll like where things end up by the end of Justice League. Things are in a much brighter place, but it’s not Marvel.

Saw it last night. Many are right that the movie is flawed, but I thought they really nailed the characters, which is the most important part. It was a very entertaining movie. The Flash was the breakout character for me. Ezra Miller was fantastic! Ray Fisher also provided a lot of heart to Cyborg, which was great to

Absolutely! Two wrongs do not make a right. Thanks for the conversation today. Sorry if I got too worked up! :-)

One can dislike a movie and not be smug jerk about it. Many fans cross that line when it comes to the DCEU, IMO. I’ve seen people personally insult Zack Snyder, which should not happen.