
SOLID DEFENSE, DUDE. Can’t imagine why people are worried about your treatment of gay folks.

I feel like the Left needs to co-op “AMERICA: Love it or leave it.”

I can only conclude that most people in the US fucking love authoritarians.

I don’t even speak to my republican coworkers after one fucker told me “I guess you’ll be moving back to somalia now” on November 9th. I work at a nonprofit in Silicon Valley and have never lived in HOA.

I try to muster the “benefit of the doubt” for everybody, on all sides and in every case, and for accusers and the accused, because that’s the entire point of a legal system.

I think the consensus is “it’s very complicated, and a case-by-case sort of thing”.

Although I hate myself for automatically questioning the victim, that age is curiously close to this being sexual abuse vs prostitution, no?

After this last election, I find myself being uncomfortable with about a third of the people in the United States. There’s probably a correlation with the third mentioned here and the third I’m referring to.


the fucking relief i feel when watching explicitly queer content that is not made for straight people...

That these are considered queer storylines speaks volumes about how the creators view queer lives. My life is not some sad, barely acknowledged side story. Ya’ll need to dance in the background of my life, for once. 

Oh god, it’s already started!

Apropos of nothing, this reminds me of a funny (/sad) story that I just want to share. My brother went to college in the late eighties. At one of his first “real” jobs, he was telling an older guy about his experience living in a coed dorm that had coed bathrooms. The guy responds “Seriously? Boys and girls shared the

cats and dogs living together!


Not conforming to gender norms is a gateway dress to dancing, mayhem, and cats and dogs living together!

Well, you know the saying: You can tell a bigot, but you can’t tell them much.

She definitely sounds like a Tami.

Tami is the Chad of girl names.