
Let us all rejoice, but do not forget this bill failed, in large part, because IT WASN’T CRUEL ENOUGH to suit the needs of the far-right Freedumb Caucus nutjobs.

Ok, so someone please explain to me what is that? When do they get this ring? Is it on joining college? Or is it some kind of honour prize? Or do you just go to a jeweler and order one? Do they make one for graduate students? Do you wear it for the rest of your life? Do you get special treatment from a bank loan

When you’ve had your thumb up your own ass all of your life, it tends to atrophy.

He missed “Basic Hand Gestures” in Humanities 101, slept through the midterm, but negotiated an ‘A-’ with his adjunct by shouting, “Do you know who I am??”

Right? That poster looks like it came from an SNL skit.

Not the same natural motion as throwing a gin & tonic on a hooker with your non-filming hand.

The thing is if Mcintosh had been a “minority student,” then I doubt Rick Perry would have taken time out of his precious schedule to attack Brooks.

Won’t change anything. It’ll be just like when abortions are “special circumstances” for conservative families.

She’s Kellyane’s understudy. OR is she her mentor...........

I suspect it’s more to do with needing her on immediate call, because of her father’s fading mental health and increasing sundowning.

Great, another fraudulent Trump in the WH. Remember when she was “the voice of moderation”, the one person he’d listen to, the “sensible” one who’d rein in daddy’s worst tendencies? Yeah, about that...it was all fucking horseshit. She sits there doing a more subtle version of daddy’s act, always with the hands and the

Briefly, I don’t think I was suggesting that these women should be silenced or that they should never be allowed to talk publicly.

And yet, imagine the reaction if woman on Fox were to say ‘As a mother I’m concerned about the lack of healthcare me and my child might get under Trumpcare...’?

No no no no! Saying “as a mother...” before a statement means you are the ultimate authority on every topic!

I have a cat who looks like a Russian Blue but is actually a gray tabby. He is concerned that he will be stereotyped for his appearance.

This is going to be a scorching hot take, but merely bearing and raising a child does not in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM make you qualified to talk about the Trump/Russia allegations and wider societal implications on (what could be generously described as) a news program.

I think they are all wearing dresses from the Ivanka Trump collection at Nordstroms.

Fuck every single one of them. They all spent 8 years being complete and total shits about President Obama. They can suck it up and deal with the many legitimate and real concerns we have over this damgerous idiot chump.

women who loves their families in a particular way that translates into endless military intervention and, as one lady on the panel put it brightly, deporting illegals.