I am feeling extreme frustration with fellow liberals waling and beating their chest and saying how “we should have listened to the legitimate concerns of those left behind by globalisation”.
I am feeling extreme frustration with fellow liberals waling and beating their chest and saying how “we should have listened to the legitimate concerns of those left behind by globalisation”.
You are absolutely correct (right down to the four dots in the ellipsis in the title). One of the best films of the last century. I was once blithering on to a friend of mine who had attended Eton about the film being an allegory for the absurdity and cruelty of the British class system and the inability to deal with…
This morning in an interview on BBC radio the disgusting Jan Brewer, former Governor of Arizona and Epitome of a Deplorable, was fairly explicitly rowing back on “The Wall” - now “maybe a wall, maybe an fence, maybe a virtual wall”. I’m pretty sure that when “The Wall” turns out to be a pole with some flood lights and…
Not just the 19th century. In the mid-20th my older brother was, as a baby and toddler, frequently “soothed” with Woodward’s Gripe Water, which at the time contained 3.6% alcohol.
You could just slip a little vodka into your 8 year old’s morning OJ and some brandy into cookie-time milk, then you could play with the chemistry set together all say.
I speak for England, and the answer is “No”.
I had a very similar experience with a young man from the Plymouth Brethren church (see the film Son of Rambow). We were both about 17/18, I think. “Pent-up sexual frustration” is right. He had absolutely no idea about sex, let alone gay sex, and since he was transgressing anyway, he was keen to try anything.
He really, really is. And this interview on Channel 4 News has become a bit of a cult classic. It’s so meta, man.
If only there were a medical test for “hate in the heart”. I’m pretty sure that Trump and many of his hardcore supporters would test positive.
As someone who normally h8s puns I say: more stars, more!
For after you’ve been forced to attend the “funeral” of your fetus.
I absolutely agree.
Thank you so much for taking it out of the grays. It IS sorta startling and I did think about whether I should post it or not...
A quick Google image search (there’s only so much gilt and chintz one can handle) has confirmed my impression that none of the many gaudy and tasteless Trump residences appear to contain even one book. Let alone a room called a “Library” with faux-leather-covered books bought by the yard. Can’t even be bothered to…
See also:
And the poor kid has to live in that gaudy, tacky, gold-plated, mock-Louis XIV, Russian oligarch-y apartment. One can only hope his own room is more restrained.
It’s significant that Trump attended an all-male boarding military academy for five years of his adolescence. If such places can claim to “shape young men for life”, as they do, it is surely fair to say that they can also fuck young men up for life.