
Agreed. Particularly strange choice as few mass shooters are actually cocksuckers. Well, at least not out and proud cocksuckers.

You need some reeducation, True Scotsman.


The US has, for the last 8 years, had a President and First Lady (pretty much the whole First Family, actually) admired around the world as intelligent, charming, calm, committed, gracious and at ease with all sorts of people (including children) and with a sense of humour, ffs!

That looks like the bastard child of of a Stalin-era Soviet architect and the Walmart in-house design team. And to think what an actual totalitarian Communist dictatorship can come up with:

And every right-wing nutjob from “moderate” GOP leaders to Minutemen via Brietbart commentators hopes to heaven that it is a muzzie..

I have avoided thinking of Trump naked until just now, but this portrait is exactly how I would have imagined Trump would look naked had I ever done so. The photographer is a genius.

ikr? It’s literally white genocide.

Surely his point is that neither he nor his team of the best, the greatest, the most amazing foreign policy people know where Syria is?

And Trump’s response to that was “Tell him the wall just got 10 feet higher.” It’s all so very 6th Grade, Trump’s campaign - in his case, 6th Grade teacher: “Just because Vincente said that, now you all have to stay after school not 15 minutes, but half an hour”. At which 6th Grade Donnie does a “standard retard”

Decades of litigation right there. Callow high school freshmen will steered towards studying Law by savvy college guidance counselors on the promise of this future bonanza.

Here in the UK, Epipens are, of course, free to most patients* (yes, yes, we have to accept a socialist tyranny and, omg, pay taxes (!) in return).

As Peter Thiel’s “dinner companion” for this past weekend, I would just like to point out that people are not just mean about beautiful women. They can be pretty horrid about beautiful 15 year old rent boys too.

What, with cage fighting, killing brown people and now booze, “you’ve come a long way, baby”.

This is good for women is it? Aping the very worst aggressive characteristics of the most violent males?

Commentators here (UK) have suggested that security would have been very heavy at the the Stade de France, whereas at the rock venue and ordinary bars and restaurants not so much.

Yeah, but at least they never placed their ads in gay magazines.

“entering the EU has been the best thing that could happen to minorities in those countries because suddenly they had to respect the EU laws and regulations and it opened the societies up for debate.”