
I'm in complete agreement that the lack of diversity in Hollywood happens long, long before the awards are thought of, but it seems sensible to me to protest this issue where and when it can get most attention. That moment is now. It would be bizarre and self-defeating to let this opportunity slide by without making

Read this comment over — it doesn't make sense.

My mom said the exact same things to me. When the girls in the locker room laughed and pointed out my stretch marks, mom says they're just insecure in themselves, as if that's an excuse in any way. When the boys dared each other to ask me out, then laugh in my face, mom says those boys are just intimidated by me, as

I was bullied by this girl in middle school. I did everything right: went to the principal and told her what happened. The next day, me, my mom, the girl, her mom, and the principal all sat down in a room together. Basically, nothing happened. The principal allowed me to stay home that day and the girl got 0

Oh, fuck this. I'm guessing he was being bullied at his school and the adults couldn't be bothered to do anything to rein in the little shits, just like it was when I was a kid. The excuses were always, "oh, they need to work it out themselves," or "oh, honey, just ignore them, they're jealous," or other bullshit

Was anyone else one of those uber-sensitive kids who ascribed feelings to their toys and stuffed animals? I used to play with all of my toys on a rotation because I was afraid of hurting their feelings. I kind of did that with my clothes too - I would feel guilty if I didn't wear my red shirt for a while because I was

As a seven year old, I raided the kitchen for my art supplies. I took some herbs, green food coloring, lemon juice, and turmeric powder to create this. My dad was so angry at me for destroying the kitchen and geting half the spice cabinet all over the floor, but he took this, and he framed it because he thought it was

I was 8 years old when I went into my parent's bedroom one morning while my parents were still asleep and saw my Dad had a boner. I totally freaked out, woke my Mom up by dragging her out of the bed, and called 911 because I thought it was a chestburster from Aliens.

As someone who's done both, the skills are actually really transferable. The situations are completely incomparable, for sure. But I can't even count the number of times I needed to use my victim advocacy skills with brides (I did both part time for awhile). Active listening is really important in both, and

As a former Victim Witness Advocate who was involved in the hiring process after a few years on the job, I would totally hire this person! It's an entry level job and the entirety of it is being a supportive presence. You learn the criminal justice stuff on the job. They are showing that they have the right

But it's the nature of cover letters. This person needed to make their work history seem relevant, and I think she did a pretty good job of it. I did the same thing when I had to make my work experience at a theme park relevant to a job in community mental health support. It's kind of shitty to mock her for it; we all

I agree. This person seems pretty passionate about the job they're applying for and we're ripping them apart? If they can see how their experience working with brides would be something that would make them a good fit for working with domestic violence survivors, then that's their thing. But, I kind of see it. As a

This is pretty low. A cover letter is supposed to help you show the hiring manager what you can bring to a new job, and this woman wants to use skills she's gained in the past to be a victim advocate in the future. This is probably an entry level job for her, or she'd be talkinga bout her criminal justice experience.

Ew. I strongly dislike that ex- work friend of yours.

What bothers me is that a lot of people (well...a lot of white people...kind of hating to count myself among them right about now) seem to think ..

Though wasn't it Douglas Adams who said something to the effect that Jesus Christ was executed for having the audacity to suggest that we should all be nice to each other? ::sigh::

Prepare for the influx of dude-defence that will come from a large series of people who would be shitting themselves in anger if this happened to a male veteran.

what kind of idiot dumb dumbs make noises/try to pet a service dog? how is it that in their 18-22 years of living life on this earth, no one told them that touching service dogs is a no no...

A brief memo to my fellow humans:

I don't know. Brian Williams recently gave a very detailed recounting of his time with the Russian military. His account of Sasha's capture was particularly moving.