
Not if you're white.

I know you're right but it doesn't stop me wishing that they get more than just a rap on the knuckles.

Have to agree. There are some things you just can't justify with "cause religion".

If he was from he North East of England then it's a colloquialism used by everyone. Especially little old ladies. The same applies to 'love' for people.from the North West.

Thank you for this. I thought I was going nuts. I scroll down for a second, back up again for another look(what's all the fuss about...) and it's sodding changed colour!

Actually you did a really good job. Reading it was very cathartic.

It's nice to know I'm not that weird.

You're awesome.

That was perfect. That's all.

They use a buzzer...

I think my problem is that the start of the article reads as if we're mostly getting Fortin's side. There is a lot of "Fortin says". If our understanding of Cassandra's treatment comes from one side of the argument only then the picture being painted for us is flawed. An isolated and scared young teen might well run

Nope. I think she should have been given the opportunity to go to school.

I'm probably a very cynical person but I'm not sure that the second opinion was ever going to take place, or that it would be with someone properly qualified. Not if mum has such an ingrained distrust of doctors.

But she has no bodily integrity. Her options are the choice currently being forced on her by the hospital or the choice her mother would force on her given the chance. Only one gives her a chance at life.

Sorry but the original post pretty much screamed family issues without having to be explicit. No one has to air their dirty laundry to have an opinion.

Living the dream!


And people say the war on Christmas is an invention of the hysterical Christian right.

You are just right.

I think their case is a bit different. She seems a bit narcissistic and had an exaggerated idea of what she brought to the partnership. Not fair to equate their divorce to that of other people.