
Then you are underpaid.

You are saying some very problematic things and I'm not sure I'm the person to educate you because I'm only loosely educated on this issue. But I'll try.

If you're struggling to exist you either a) are not getting paid "very well" or b) do expensive drugs or live purposefully outside your means in some other way. I'm

if there are actual people that do this then we need a new plague

So let's all set a precedent of eating at places that are not McDonald's, instead. I mean...that is what they want, right? At least that's what this temper tantrum sounds like it's saying.

Thanks for giving me fresh "nightmare" material. Will use tonight, while far away from home, at a dark hotel in Dallas, next to a McDonald's.

If corporations are truly people, McDonald's is the guy who takes five ones on the table at the start of the meal, announces that it's the tip, and pockets one for every time the waiter's groveling is insufficient.

/rant begin

for God's sake, C. Bundy basically committed treason via an armed militia standoff with the Feds, and they treated him with kids gloves.

i was once serenaded w freebird by a bunch of dudes in kilts at a ren faire

Strange how the white criminals can lead cops on high speed chases, be like on meth naked using broken glass as a weapon (a Florida or Michigan story I read awhile back lol), squat on huge plots of land and defy the federal government using gangs of violent extremely armed right wing militia thugs to guard it, etc.

ummmmmmmm that's not necessarily true but ok bb

is not a crime punishable by death

You racist fuck. You make me sick.

Remember folks! Ignore, dismiss and flag the trolls!

You're half right! Now that it's happened to her *and she can profit from it* she can empathize. :p

Well, I mean, now that it's happened to her she can empathize. Just like Republicans who have gay children and are suddenly all aboard the equal marriage train. Heartless until it's a problem they're personally facing. And that's what this woman was. Heartless. Excuse me if I don't applaud her sudden change of heart.

I don't have children, but I still give the side eye to people who'd prefer to stay late at work, despite the fact that everyone else can accomplish the same work during normal hours.

I'm recently divorced and living alone for the first time ever. It's AMAZING. My ex husband was super critical and I am experiencing freedom like I've never known.

"Hi! Happy wedding day! here's an old used penis cake!"

Not a stretch. I know someone who left her husband when she had breast cancer because he did not help in any way. Actually, I think it was partly that, and partly the realization that life can be short and she didn't want to spend the rest of hers lashed to someone like that.