
I try to think of industries as children. You can't just praise them the first time they do something right, you have to keep on doing it until it becomes second nature. Repetition can seem dull but to complain that inclusiveness is no longer original it to end it before it has really begun.

Know I'm coming to this late but really. pe who do not trust the police or the justice system are not going to stand by, watch the arrest in the belief that it will be possible to prove his innocence. Nor are they going to trust the police to treat their son with respect should his submit.

I know you wrote this forever ago in internet terms but had to say THIS! Always this.

Enforce the sanctity of the queue!

Surely not! You cynic.

I had no idea how unfair these parties are. Why are frats throwing out drunken men? I call misandry!

You're a hero who can mix drinks!

Oooh, thank you!

If you think it will make you unhappy then you have your answer. Parenthood is not an altar people should sacrifice themselves on.

That way everyone knows what you came in for.

I love this. I've always struggled to see the joy in winning the conformity race.

Must use dicksneeze in a sentence!

Let decorative ennui be your guide.

You're not forced to accept them. I'm guessing the octopus went on a round trip back to the depo.

I feel your pain.

The whole of the UK really. At least we did when I was a kid. Which was a long time ago now. Never heard it called telephone, although that makes so much more sense

Big bad troll spots a typo. Well done. Your highly inflated opinion of yourself can continue unabated. Now you feel like you've taught us nasty feminists a lesson you can leave. Don't forget to scream misandry in your way out.

Relevant to what? This is a news site. Not news is personally interesting to me but I'm not such an asshat that I think it should be censored on my account. My advice would be to read the head line. If it does not interest you then feel free to skip the article. Reading through an article that does not interest you

oops. I saw your original post and didn't think I would find an apology beneath it. Usually the fat bashers that comment here are difficult to get rid of. I am sorry too. My comment was pretty mean.

So you're a troll in real life as well. People must love spending time with you.