
Beautiful argument, very specific number of women.

"piss on his childhood teddy bear" is the best revenge I never thought of.

You are right. Maybe you should nap more often. I now feel a little guilty for finding this article so funny. If someone told my children they should give up doing something they loved I'd verbally eviscerate them. Then stick it on my fridge.

Not all Jezebel readers. Didn't find this funny at all. She's horrific. Mark is being called out for the tone of this piece all over the place.

It's not. She's an abusive arse-hole. That video gave me the shivers.

Does the poor guy really have to defend himself against every stupid thing C-Lo Green says!?

So he gets whatever's not selling well that night?

I want to star this 1000 times. You've put my anger fuddled thoughts into a coherent form.

Got to love some good news. I hope she gets an apology, not just a 'sorry but'.

Tee hee. That joke was the best way to start the day.

You'll never see this as certain to be grey but NOOOO! I am taking an invisible stand in defence of chocolate ice cream.

You are right about the UK, although employers aren't obliged to offer the second 26 weeks most large ones do. Somehow the poor dears scrape it together and manage to survive.

Please, enough with the parent bashing. Kids develop different skills at different rates and you can't always force things to suit yourself. Let alone judgemental strangers on the internet.

But did she hit him? There seems to be some doubt. Although I sure you'll come up with some new way to make it her fault.

I find this all a bit strange. I am about to have a vbac (hopefully) any day now and have been encouraged by my local hospital to do so. However, this is only my second pregnancy. The higher the number of caesarians you have had previously the greater the risk that a scar will rupture during labour.

Eh? I'm sure if a tow truck owner went out of their way to illegally obtain the cars of straight people, old people, dog owners, it would also make the news. Anyone deliberately targeting a specific group of people as part of their crime spree gets media attention.

Because we give a shit. Because of the overlap between sexism, racism, homophobia and transphobia.

Sorry British school years aren't called grades. We use year 1, year 2 etc.

I guess the continuation of the human race doesn't depend on guys backpacking around Europe. Although I know there are plenty of people who believe that the world would be a better place without us. Assuming that you are not one of those people - what is the solution?

I want to parent like you.