
She didn't change her mind. That doesn't happen. If we find you painful, frightening or just plain repulsive then forcibly sticking your dick in us won't change our minds. Except maybe in your fevered imagination. He just didn't care what she said or did.

That's a bit like laying out a buffet in the hopes of scaring away your neighbours.

Ooops, the sensible and measured responses of my fellow Brits have shamed me. As far as I'm concerned anyone who hates tomatoes has an automatic in.

It's nothing personal. Just that we're (UK) going through a horrifically xenophobic stage right now.


You are ace.

Nope, she got what she deserved. I can understand looking after a friend or acquaintance but not some arrogant arsehole who goes out of their to treat people like shit. Snitches get stitches is not a blanket rule unless you are an adolescent. I wonder how many deaths could have been prevented if it wasn't for people

depressingly true. Although if you look behind you, you will be able to see 40,000 illegal immigrants all after your job. I know it's true 'cause it was in the paper.

Definitely. It's popularity puts a serious dent in my patriotism.

Ha! I have plenty of red in my wardrobe but the idea that people would see me as a scary, sexual competitor is laughable. I usually get compliments from other women when I wear red. I suspect I'm just too small and squishy to be threatening. Maybe this study used pictures of models?

it's not just sensationalist. The hard-copy paper has a UK reputation for appealing/pandering to the more racist and judgemental sections of our society. The 'I'm not racist but.....' crowd.

I love everything you just said.

I have come to that conclusion too. The ideal of American freedom has gone right out of the window. Unless you're a wealthy, white, right-wing Christian that is.

You are an idiot. Nobody wants to be humiliated like that. Harassment isn't complimentary, it's sexual bullying.

I get the confusion. My husband doesn't believe me but a couple of days ago three blokes in a van honked their horn at me while I was bending over my toddlers pushchair. I am 8 months pregnant. Must have been a really slow day.


But without the dizziness or tendency to forget where you're going. In my own humble experience.

You don't know as much about Europe as you think you do. What does stereotyping the millions of disparate people from an entire continent make you?

Is it possible that Lindsay has just had a great 3 years? The loss of Taco John's is the only blot on a beautiful horizon.

Stop picking on stay at home mums (UK). We don't all have a crazy need to read badly written romance/porn. Many of us would prefer a nap, or adult conversation.