
Not to defend his horrible responses but I did not know about the connotations of thinspiration until I read this article. No matter how hard you try you will always have some knowledge gaps. The trick is to take new information on board without throwing a tantrum.

Also 36 weeks pregnant and cannot handle these stories. They come back to haunt me when I'm trying to sleep. Try Cuteoverload. It's saccharine but it works. Now off to obsessively double check on the bub I've already got.

You're not thinking, you're judging. All judgement requires is a sense of superiority, no thought required.

Bless. It's as if you think you'll never be older. Because youth gives you an automatic pass to judge. Get some life experience before you tell me what I can and can't do and what I can and can't wear.

Who flings breast milk?! The point of beast feeding is to put the milk in the baby, not throw it round the room. Breast milk is not a dangerous and toxic substance. You have a truly disturbing attitude to mothers and children.

Thank you for this. I had problems breast feeding and get so sick of the guilt trips heaped on me by mothers who could/unsympathetic medical staff and other judgemental types (although people don't believe me it was not for lack of effort). It is not necessary to trash bottle feeding mums in order to support those who

I've been slipping from agnostic to atheist for a little while now. Many atheists are not superior and condensing but you don't hear much from us. We all get a bad reputation from the few who do delight in giving people of faith a hard time. I have the same problem with being a vegetarian. I don't mind what you eat

It's great that you are an involved, caring father to be. But you are not pregnant. You won't give birth and you won't need someone to stich your genitals up afterwards. You seem to think you have the raw end of the deal. You don't. You do not face anything like the same physical changes and dangers as the mother of

You really are a great friend. Just having another adult around to talk to is a help when you spend all day with a toddler. Late pregnancy is draining, hormonal and filled with background anxiety about the birth and how things will be post - birth. It's not surprising that she might be feeling a bit overwhelmed. I'm

I hate to say this but bottle or breast there will be interrupted nights for a while. It will all sort itself out though. You might not believe it now but you adjust to fit in around them. I would never have thought I could be pleased about getting up at 6.30 am but for now it's a lie in ;).

Hey! Being better than you wasn't just handed to me on a plate you know. I had to work really hard for it. I gave up meat and everything.

This is a Haahoo. You tube In the Night Garden then try to remember it's for little children. You are not having a waking nightmare.

My husband and your fella are peas in a pod. If I have to ask him to stop talking for any reason then I feel like I've just kicked a puppy.

What's wrong with Chloe? It's on my short list for the bub to be.

I can sympathise with her plight. I am also put together challenged.

People queue for that?!