Awww, sorry I upset you with the harsh slap of reality, snowflake. You probably have at least one more expansion’s worth of paychecks before you can’t make rent. So sad.
Awww, sorry I upset you with the harsh slap of reality, snowflake. You probably have at least one more expansion’s worth of paychecks before you can’t make rent. So sad.
Ben McAdon’t.
Whatever, dev.
I take it you are a dev for Destiny and your panties are in a bunch because players hate your ‘creative’ ideas. You’ll see soon enough - the numbers of people playing are already falling off a cliff. LOL
This is the correct response.
Ignore player feedback at your own peril. Entire companies have gone bankrupt displaying the same arrogance you seem to default to.
You still will.
I’m *not* playing Destiny.
What did that uppity child do to you to deserve that?
A perpetually losing team loses fans no matter whether those losses were intentional or not. If they had stayed on their then-current tack they’d still be having losing seasons with no light in the future.
The throw that got me hard was the out to Zach Ertz (first clip in this vid):
I was expecting a photo of Mooch.
He was listening to Berry, which is often a mistake.
C’mon people, this comment has everything going for it.
Michigan sucks? Is that what it means? That’s what I think it means.
Take some solace that it’s not just the Nats but also the Caps and the Wizards!
There is no such thing as an appreciative audience in Jezebel unless it involves manhating.
This has to be one of those properties that come with a lifetime supply of blowjobs. It’s the only explanation that makes sense.