
How long until the Internet ID’s this guy?  By end of day at the latest?

“You don’t have permission to video tape me.”  Hahahahaha STFU

My God, I had no idea Bland was the voice of Katara.

Thanks for the link.  “Only in an environment in which abuse of all kinds is normalized could sexual abuse on this scale happen” It’s crazy how deep the rot goes.

No worries! It’s tough to keep all the memes straight these day lol

Yeah, there’s a running joke regarding which quarterbacks are elite and which are not. Often centered around Joe Flacco.

“...after 50 women had come forward and said Nassar had sexually abused them.”

Lauer is as bland and unremarkable a talent as they come. It’s hard to imagine any sort fo groundswell demanding Matt Lauer-brand softball journalism. Dude just needs to take the L and be grateful he can live out his days rich as fuck.

“Moyer’s defense has requested a sentence without any prison time.”  I know it’s the job of the defense attorney, but Jesus, the fucking gall.

Also possible that Cohen does have useful info, and Mueller told Davis to walk back his comments so as not to tip Mueller’s hand.

I don’t see Manafort flipping. He’s at the point where prison is preferable to having his family encounter a series of highly unusual “accidents

Wow. Didn’t finish it myself but had not idea the completion rate was that low.

My God, these readings from the Punchability Index are off the charts!

How has USA Gymnastics not been completed scrapped and had huge swaths of employees fired? “every member of the 2012 U.S. women’s Olympic” That’s insane. They deserved to be sued out of existence. Also, ditto for you, Catholic Church.

Saw the pic and thought “Who is this prosperous, bourgeois pig and what has he done with Jim?!”

VO: In a world where no one has [squints at script] feet...

I am not enjoying being a character in Alan Moore’s “Whatever Happened to The Reality Show President?

The Party insists we have always been at war with Christmas.

“And instead of treating her bad-faith complaint for what it was” This sentence right here right here sums up the rise (and hopefully fall) of Fox Republicanism.

This all day. While there is no defense of Trump or supporting him, somedays I feel for the guy in that I genuinely think he is surprised at how many people despise him and his incompetence. A lifetime of being wealthy has insulated him from so much, that going from always getting his way because money to “shut the